Latest update: K. Wisser (20040810)
This document is an incomplete working draft. It is made available to assist in its collaborative editing and for the interested public. The editors welcome comments. Comments should be addressed to and should contain the subject line "EAC TL COMMENT"
The DTD and the Tag Library have been developed in cooperation and with support from the LEAF project. LEAF (Linking and Exploring Authority Files, is a three year project that started in March 2001. It is co-funded within the Information Society Technologies Programme of the Fifth Framework of the European Commission.
The Working Group appeciates ongoing editorial assistance from Katherine M. Wisser, Duke University.
A. abbr abstract address addressline altdate archref archunit assetstruct auth authdecl
B. bibref bibseries bibunit bioghist blockquote
C. causa character chronhead chronitem chronlist colspec condesc condescgrp container corpdesc corpgrp corphead corpname corptype
D. date desc descentry descnote descnotes didentifier dimensions
E. eac eacgrp eacheader eacid eacrel eacrels edition emph entry env event eventgrp existdate existdesc expan extent extptr extref
F. famdesc famgrp famhead famname funact funactdesc funactrel funactrels
G. genreform
H. head head01 head02 head03
I. identity ignore imprint item items
L. langmaterial language languagedecl lb legalid legalstatus list listhead location locations
M. maindate maindesc mainevent mainhist materialspec musunit
N. name nameadd nameadds note num
O. ocd origination
P. p part persdesc persgrp pershead persname physdesc physfacet physloc place ptr publisher
R. ref repository resourcerel resourcerels row rule ruledecl
S. sex source sourcedecl sourceinfo sourceref sourcerefs subarea subject
T. table tbody tgroup thead title
U. unitdate unitid unittitle usedate
V. value
A. abbr actuate align arcrole authorized
C. calendar char charoff colname colnum cols colsep colwidth continuation countrycode countryencoding
D. datechar dateencoding detaillevel
E. ea encodinganalogsys era expan
F. form frame
H. href
I. id
L. label langencoding languagecode linktype
M. maintype mark morerows
N. nameend namest normal numeration
O. ownercode ownerencoding
P. pgwide placetype
R. reltype render role rowsep rule
S. scope scriptcode scriptencoding show sourceref status syskey system
T. targetin targetout title type typeauth typekey
U. unit
V. valign valueauth valuekey
Each EAC document contains two mandatory elements, the <eacheader> and the <condesc>-context description. The <eacheader> contains data used in the control of the creator description, and to provide the context of the description. The <condesc>-context description encompasses the description of the creator. Both the <eacheader> and <condesc> contain specific elements to support the functional intentions of the parent or containing element.
The <eacheader> contains the following subelements:
• | <eacid>-eac identifier. Contains a unique identifier for the descriptive document within the owning system. Accommodates both machine- and human-readable versions of the identifier. Required. |
• | <mainhist>-maintenance history. Contains one or more <mainevent>-maintenance events that document creating, importing, updating, and deletion of the description. Each maintenance event contains the name of the person or system responsible for the event, date, and description of the event. Each <mainevent> has a MAINTYPE attribute to accommodate one of four possible values: create, update, import, or delete. <date> and MAINTYPE are machine-readable. Required. |
• | <languagedecl>-language declaration. Contains one or more machine- or human-readable declarations of the language of the description. Optional. |
• | <ruledecl>-rules declaration. Contains one or more machine- or human- readable declarations of the content rules used in the creation of the description. Optional. |
• | <sourcedecl>-source declaration. Contains one or more machine- or human-readable declarations of the sources for the information used in the description. Optional. |
• | <authdecl>-authority declaration. Contains one or more machine- or human-readable declarations of authorities from which either descriptive categories or values are taken. Optional. |
In addition to the subelements, the <eacheader> element also contains several attributes. The TYPE attribute is used to designate the type of creator described in the EAC document: corporate, personal, or family. The STATUS attribute is used to designate the editorial status of the description, draft, edited, or deleted. The ENCODINGANALOGSYS is used to designate the system in which there are semantic analogs for descriptive values used in the EAC document. This attribute is used in conjunction with the EA-encoding analog attribute, available on EAC descriptive elements. The value given in an EA attribute is the analog designation for the containing element used in the system identified in the ENCODINGANALOGSYS.
Four other attributes associated with the <eacheader> are used
to designate authorities for values used in the description or rules for
formulating such values. These have default values:
• | LANGENCODING Code values for language of description. Defaults to iso639-2b |
• | SCRIPTENCODING Code values for script used. Defaults to iso15924 |
• | DATEENCODING Rules for formulating normalized date values: Defaults to iso8601 |
• | COUNTRYENCODING Code values for designating countries. Defaults to iso3166-1 |
• | OWNERENCODING Code value rules for repository or owner codes. Defaults to iso11551 |
The <condesc>-context description comprises the description of
the creating entity. Similar to the <eacheader>, <condesc> has
several complex subelements used to describe different features of the entity:
• | <identity> Complex structure containing the name or name used by the entity over the course of his, her, or its existence. Required. |
• | <desc> Contains formal description of entity characteristics as well prose or chronological list biographies and histories. Optional. |
• | <eacrels> Contains references to descriptions of related individuals, families, or organizations. Optional. |
• | <resourcerels> Contains references to descriptions of related archival, bibliographic, or museum resources or records. Optional. |
• | <funactrels> Contains references to descriptions of related functions or activities. Optional. |
The most complex element in the EAC DTD is the <identity>. In addition to needing to accommodate one or more names used for or by the entity, <identity> must accommodate two or more parallel names in different languages or scripts. In countries where there is more than one official language, such as Canada, names of corporate bodies are frequently provided in more than one language.
The <identity> contains the following elements:
• | <legalid> Legal identifier for the individual, family, or organization. Optional. |
• | <persgrp> or <pershead> One or more personal name-groups, for containing one or more parallel personal name headings; or one or more personal name headings. |
• | <corpgrp> or <corphead> One or more corporate name-groups, for containing one or more parallel corporate name headings; or one or more corporate name headings. |
• | <famgrp> or <famhead> One or more family name-groups, for containing one or more parallel family name headings; or one or more family name headings. |
• | <nameadds> Name-additions contains subelements for distinguishing additions to the base heading. While additions can be made directly within the <*grp> and <*head> elements when they are used uniquely within the <*grp> or <*head> to qualify names, they can, when shared by all of the headings, be contained here and shared in indexing, sorting, and display of the headings. |
• | <didentifier> Digital-identifier contains machine-readable reference to internet accessible digital portrait or other non-textual digital identifiers of the described entity. |
The <pershead>, <corphead>, and <famhead>
elements each contain the same subelements:
• | <part> Contains a part of the name. A TYPE attribute may be used to provide a precise designation of the name component, "forename," "surname," "parent body," and so on. Repeatable. |
• | <existdate> Contains the life dates of individuals, or the active dates of families and organizations. It should not be confused with the <usedate>, which contains the date or date range when the name was used by or for the entity. Optional. |
• | <place> Contains the name of a place associated with the heading. A TYPE attribute may be used to provide a precise designation of the role of the place name in relation to the heading, (for example, "Birthplace.") Optional. |
• | <nameadd> Contains additions made to the base name to distinguish it from the same name used for another entity, or to enhance the base name's intelligibility. A TYPE attribute may be used to specify a precise designation for the addition, for example, "expansion" for expansion of initials used in the name. Repeatable. |
• | <usedate> Contains the date or date range when the name was used by or for the entity. It should not be confused with <existdate>, which contains the life or active dates of the entity. Optional. |
The <persgrp>, <famgrp>, and <corpgrp> elements each contain two or more <*head> elements of the same entity type as the parent element. After the <*head> elements, the following may be used: <nameadds>, <sourceref> or <sourcerefs>, or <note> or <notes>.
The following elements are available directly inside
<identity>, the <*grp> elements, and the <*head> elements.
• | <sourcerefs> or <sourceref><sourcerefs> contains two or more <sourceref>; <sourceref> contains a reference to the resource used in composing a heading or headings that is declared in the <eadheader> using the <sourcedecl>. The <sourceref> also contains a <sourceinfo> subelement for containing a transcription of the source information used in composing one or more headings. |
• | <notes> or <note><notes> contains two or more <note>s; <note> contains the editor's description of judgments and decisions not otherwise documented in the declarations made in the <eacheader>, evaluations of the evidence when there are contradictions or suspected or known inaccuracies, and so on. |
Because <nameadds> is a grouping element for <nameadd> that facilitates economic reuse of name additions, it is available directly in <identity> and the <*grp> elements. The <nameadd> element is available directly inside the <*head> elements because its use there is intended to be specific to the heading.
Similarly, the <sourcerefs>, <sourceref>, <notes> and <note> elements available directly inside a <*head> element are intended to apply only to the specific heading, while those available inside <identity> and the <*grp> elements are intended to apply to all sibling <*head> elements.
The <identity> element is intended to facilitate control of the names used by and for an entity. Unlike traditional authority control, the notion of "authorized heading" and "variant heading" is not explicitly privileged in the naming of the elements. Instead, there is an AUTHORIZED attribute. To privilege one heading over the others for indexing, sorting, or display, users enter their owner or repository code in AUTHORIZED attribute. Where more than one heading is authorized within the context of a descriptive system, or different headings are authorized for different contexts, there are additional attributes available: RULE, the descriptive rules used in the composition of the heading; LANGUAGECODE, the language of the heading; and SCRIPTCODE, for the script of the heading. For example, within the context of the Archive of Ontario, parallel French and English headings can be designated by placing the repository code of the Archive in two parallel <corphead> elements using the AUTHORIZED attribute, with the two different headings being distinguished by the values in the LANGUAGECODE.
As a component of archival description, creator description must be brought into relation with the other descriptive components. Creator descriptions must be dynamically related to the record descriptions for which they provide context, and the functions and activities in which the creators engage and that the records document. With the exception of unique relations, it is the nature of relations that they take place between entities and not within them. Creators are related to other creators, to activities and functions, and to records. Similarly, activities and functions are related to other functions and activities, to creators, and to records; and records are related to other records, to creators, and to functions and activities. Each creator, record, or function/activity description can thus function as a node in a set of relations.
Because relations are between the descriptive nodes, they are most efficiently created and maintained outside of each node. A person, for example, can be related to one or more persons, organizations or families, to one or more archival records, books, journals, and museum objects; and to various occupations and activities. Each of the related entities can be related to one or more other entities. To record all of these relations in the description of each node is inefficient, as correction of an error would require updating two or more descriptions.
While maintaining relations independent of descriptions is efficient, when communicating descriptions between systems or to users it will be necessary to assemble or gather and represent the related descriptions using descriptive surrogates. Each surrogate for a related description will optimally include both human- and machine-readable information. The human-readable information provides succinct descriptions of the related entity, creator, records, or function/activity sufficient to enable identification and a relevancy judgment. The machine-readable information supports a traversable link to the related description.
There are three elements for describing EAC relations with other descriptive entities: <eacrels> (EAC to EAC relations), <resourcerels> (EAC to resource relations), and <funactrels> (EAC to function and activity relations.) The <eacrels> contains one or more <eacrel> as well as <sourcerefs>, <sourceref>, <notes> or <note> for documenting the source or sources of information documenting the relation, and descriptive notes. The <resourcerels> and <funactrels> are similarly structured, though the principal contained element is <resourcerel> and <funactrel> respectively. The <*rel> elements have attributes to facilitate traversable links to resources described in contained descriptive surrogates.
Each <*rel> has a RELTYPE-relationship type attribute, with a closed list of primitive values.
<eacrel> has the following
RELTYPE values
• | superior |
• | subordinate |
• | earlier |
• | later |
• | associative |
• | parent |
• | child |
• | identity |
• | other |
<resourcerel> has the following
RELTYPE values
• | origination |
• | destruction |
• | control |
• | causa |
• | subject |
• | other |
Since there has been no attempt at this time to design and implement function and activity description, preliminary decisions concerning the typing of EAC to function and activity relations were deferred.
There are two principal rationales behind the primitive or basic typing of relations. First, there is general interest in enabling coherent expression and navigation of relations as well as creation of graphic displays of organizational charts, family trees, and timelines. The primitives are an experimental attempt to provide the data necessary to construct such displays. At this point, there has been no attempt to test the utility of the structures with graphic displays. Second, basic information about the nature of relations is necessary in order to make the relation intelligible to users. Given cultural and institutional differences, the number of possible relation types is, in principle, unlimited. EAC designers decided, though, that to achieve a minimum level of functionality there needed to be consensus on a set of basic or primitive relation types.
Each <*rel> element has one or more subelements available for representing surrogate description of a related entity. Because <eacrel> is self-referential, the surrogate description presents no major semantic and structural difficulties: <eacrel> simply contains <persname>, <famname>, and <corpname>, which accommodate the heading subelements in <pershead>, <famhead>, and <corphead>. The designers chose to provide a minimally structured element, <funact>, to accommodate surrogate representation of function and activity description, pending development of a descriptive structural standard for function and activity description. In essence, the <funact> element is merely a placeholder.
The representation of surrogate information for records presents difficult technical challenges because any EAC entity can in principle be related to records (broadly defined) outside the control of archivists and therefore outside the scope of archival standards. For example, EAC documents may be related to archival records as well as books and journals, for which librarians have responsibility, and museum artifacts and collected natural objects, for which museum catalogers have responsibility.
EAC to EAD relations can be addressed by negotiations within the archival community to reconcile EAC and EAD semantics and structure. Bibliographic descriptions and museum descriptions must be accommodated with a different strategy. Since the primary function of the information is to make a surrogate intellectual description that provides context for the presence of a traversable link to a related resource, the elements need only accommodate a minimal semantics and structure. The surrogate need not support detailed, sophisticated searching, as this is addressed in the referenced description. It need only facilitate a coherent display of the description of the resource that will be sufficient for the user to decide whether or not to pursue the link. An alternative approach would use XML Namespace, which supports incorporating different semantic and structural XML standards into one document.
Assuming and pending more robust implementation of XML Namespace, the designers of EAC have chosen to provide minimally defined surrogate elements inside <resourcerel> for bibliographic and museum description: <bibunit>-bibliographic description and <musunit>-museum description. The <archunit>-archival description elements contain all of the EAD <did>-descriptive identification subelements, though at this stage of development it is not entirely compatible with the EAD <did>. The <bibunit> contains a minimal set of elements to support a basic bibliographic citation. Assuming and pending the emergence of one or more museum description encoding standards, <musunit> element has the same structure and semantics as <bibunit>.
The <desc>-description element accommodates a variety of both controlled and prose description of creators. Three elements are available for grouping controlled or element specific description of each entity type: <persdesc>, <famdesc>, and <corpdesc>.
<persdesc> contains the following:
• | <legalstatus> legal status |
• | <sex> sex |
• | <location> location |
• | <descentry> descriptive entry |
• | <funactdesc> function or activity description |
• | <character> personal characteristics |
• | <env> environment |
• | <ocd> other context description |
<corpdesc> contains the following elements:
• | <corptype> corporate body or organization type |
• | <legalstatus> legal status |
• | <location> location |
• | <descentry> descriptive entry |
• | <causa> mandates and warrants |
• | <funactdesc> function or activity description |
• | <assetstruct> assets and administrative structure |
• | <env> environment |
• | <ocd> other context description |
<famdesc> contains the following elements:
• | <legalstatus> legal status |
• | <location> location |
• | <descentry> descriptive entry |
• | <funactdesc> function or activity description |
• | <assetstruct> assets and administrative structure |
• | <env> environment |
• | <ocd> other context description |
There are two structurally distinct classes of <*desc> subelements. The first class, represented by the elements in the above lists that precede the phrase "followed by," are intended to provide controlled vocabulary description of important characteristics of the described entity. Each of these elements represents a particular descriptive category and has the same subelements: <value>-value, optionally followed by <date>, <place>, <note>, and <sourceref>. The <descentry> element is used as a repeatable means of expanding the descriptive categories, and thus has a TYPE attribute for specifying the category.
The second class of <desc> elements is similar to the first, except that it allows using one or more category-value pairs for representing aspects of the parent descriptive category, followed optionally by prose description. The <descentry> is used for representing the category-value pairs. <ocd>-other context description is a generic element used when no other element of this structural type is appropriate. Like <descentry>, <ocd> has a TYPE attribute for designating the descriptive category.
The <bioghist>-biography/history element, borrowed from EAD, can be used for prose description of any entity type. It enables simple or complex, brief or lengthy biographies and organization histories. Particularly noteworthy among its subelements is the <chronlist>-chronological list, which enables a succession of two or three part entries <date>, <event>, or <date>, <place>, <event>.
As an international effort, the designers of EAC are attempting to agree on as much as possible while accommodating cultural and institutional differences. The semantics and structure described above represents the current semantic and structural consensus.
In addition to the elements <descentry> and <ocd>, described above, several descriptive elements also have TYPE attribute that accommodate arbitrary textual content to facilitate national, regional, and local extensions to the EAC semantics. <date> and <place> are widely available and thus may be used to qualify other descriptive information in a variety of ways. Other elements, in particular elements representing an abstraction of several suggested and more specific alternatives, also bear the TYPE attribute.
It is widely recognized that such extensions can undermine communication and collaboration objectives. To ameliorate this danger, each TYPE attribute is accompanied by two related attributes, TYPEAUTH, and TYPEKEY. The TYPEAUTH provides a means to reference an authority declared in the <eacheader> using <auth>, and through <auth> to reference the authority when it is Internet-accessible. The TYPEKEY attribute provides the unique identifier for the particular term or phrase in the authority. A similar set of attributes is used to specify the values used in the <value> element: VALUEAUTH and VALUEKEY.
Arranged alphabetically.
A generic element for a shortened form of a word, including an acronym.
The EXPAN attribute can be used to supply the full form of an abbreviated word for indexing or searching purposes.
See also related element Expansion <expan>.
May contain: #pcdata
May occur within: abstract, addressline, altdate, archref, auth, bibref, bibseries, container, corpname, date, descnote, didentifier, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, existdate, extent, extref, famname, funact, genreform, head, head01, head02, head03, ignore, item, langmaterial, language, legalid, maindate, maindesc, materialspec, name, nameadd, note, num, origination, p, part, persname, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, publisher, ref, repository, rule, sourceinfo, sourceref, subarea, subject, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value
Attributes: |
expan: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within <archref> or <archunit>, a very brief summary of related archival materials described in an archival reference to an EAD instance. Used primarily to encode bits of biographical or historical information about the creator and abridged statements about the scope, content, arrangement, or other descriptive details about the archival unit or one of its components.
While <abstract> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: archref, archunit
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A generic element for information about the place where someone or something is located and may be reached. Examples include a postal address, or the electronic mail address and phone number of the party granting publication permission.
Consider using an entity reference to store address information that occurs in many instances, as it is easier to update the information when located in a single, shared file. The entity reference can contain both the elements and their content. A style sheet can also be used to supply this kind of information.
May contain: addressline
May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, descnote, entry, env, event, extref, funactdesc, item, location, locations, note, ocd, p, ref, repository, sourceinfo
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A generic element for one line of a postal or other address. May be repeated as many times as necessary to enter all available lines of an address.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, ptr, ref
May occur within: address
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
This element may be used in either in two ways. First to record an alternative machine-readable date using the NORMAL attribute on the <altdate>. Such recording of an alternative machine-readable date may be desirable when one wants to record both a Gregorian date, and the parallel date in another calendar, for example, the Muslim calendar. The second use of <altdate> would be to supply an alternative human-readable date. For example, the <date> or <existdate> may be given in modern English as a Gregorian calendar date, while the <altdate> may povide a regional date.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: date, existdate, usedate
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A reference element that provides a citation and/or an electronic link to separately described archival materials of special interest. Examples of such materials include a record group, one of its large series (which might have separate EAD-encoded finding aids), a general reference to a collection with similar content or any of their components.
The <archref> element can be helpful in several situations. It can be used, with the HREF or ENTITYREF attribute, for linking to related EAD instance. The <archref> element can also be used to cite archival materials within a <bibref>, <descnote>, or <abstract> element. The <archref> may contain just text or some of the content-specific elements such as <origination>, <repository>, and <unittitle> to identify the different kinds of information in a citation.
Do not confuse <archref> with the Bibliographic Reference <bibref> element, which is used to cite works that are published entities or individual items that are not usefully designated as archival materials.
While XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, which is the basis for EAC linking elements is stable, examples of EAC usage are hypothetical and have not been tested in real XLink-based applications. Those wishing to use XLink are encouraged to consult the specification available online at
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, abstract, bibref, container, descnote, emph, expan, extptr, extref, langmaterial, lb, materialspec, origination, physdesc, physloc, ptr, ref, repository, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
May occur within: abstract, bibref, container, descnote, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, item, langmaterial, materialspec, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
Attributes: |
actuate: | #IMPLIED, onload, onrequest, actuateother, actuatenone |
arcrole: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
href: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
linktype: | #FIXED, simple, simple |
role: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
show: | #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed, showother, shownone |
targetout: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
title: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
<archunit> contains the description of an archival unit. The element contains the same elements as the EAD <did> in a referenced EAD <archdesc>, <c>, or <c01>-<c12> description.
While this information may be stored in the EAC instance, the currency of the information will be ensured if it is imported into the EAC instance from the EAD instance at the time of display or interchange.
May contain: abstract, container, descnote, langmaterial, materialspec, origination, physdesc, physloc, repository, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
May occur within: resourcerel
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A description of the internal structure of a corporate body or the genealogy of a family.
May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, p, table
May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A subelement of <authdecl> within <eacheader> that specifies an authorized controlled vocabulary or thesaurus used for composing the authority record.
When the authorized controlled vocabularies are available on the web it is recommended that the URLs are declared as entities that may be referred to in the SYSTEM attribute of <auth>. The attribute SYSKEY accommodates the unique machine readable identifier of the record within the system referred to in the SYSTEM attribute. The value of SYSTEM must by an entity declared in the head of the EAC instance containing the path to the system.
References to declared authorities can be made in the attributes TYPEAUTH—Authority for type specification—and VALUEAUTH—authority for values—by referring to the mandatory ID of <auth>. These attributes are available in elements such as <funact>, <genreform>, <legalid>, <name>, <place>, <subject>, and <value>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: authdecl
Attributes: |
countrycode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
ownercode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
system: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
type: | #IMPLIED, type, value, both |
A subelement within the <eacheader> that provides one or more machine- or human-readable declarations of authorized controlled vocabularies or thesauri used in the description.
May contain: auth
May occur within: eacheader
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A reference element that provides a citation and/or electronic link for a published work such as a book, article, dissertation, motion picture, or sound recording. The <bibref> may contain just text or some of the content-specific elements such as <title>, <imprint>, or <edition>, although the latter two elements are unlikely to be used for unpublished works.
A list of <bibref>s may be gathered into a <bibliography>. A single <bibref> may be part of a Paragraph <p>. Use the HREF or ENTITYREF attribute to point to an electronic bibliographic work.
Use the more specific <archref> element to cite or link to separately described archival materials.
Do not confuse with the Reference <ref> element, which is an internal link from one place in a finding aid to another place in the same finding aid.
While XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, which is the basis for EAC linking elements is stable, examples of EAC usage are hypothetical and have not been tested in real XLink-based applications. Those wishing to use XLink are encouraged to consult the specification available online at
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibseries, corpname, edition, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, imprint, lb, name, num, persname, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: abstract, archref, container, descnote, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, item, langmaterial, materialspec, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
Attributes: |
actuate: | #IMPLIED, onload, onrequest, actuateother, actuatenone |
arcrole: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
href: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
linktype: | #FIXED, simple, simple |
role: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
show: | #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed, showother, shownone |
targetout: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
title: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Information about the published series in which a book, encoded finding aid, or other published work has appeared. Refers to monographic series only. Not to be used for archival series.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb, num, title
May occur within: bibref, bibunit, musunit, source, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
<bibunit> contains the description of a bibliographic unit or item. The <bibunit> may contain just text or some of the content-specific elements such as <title>, <imprint>, or <edition>.
While this information may be stored in the EAC instance, the currency of the information will be ensured if it is imported into the EAC instance from a machine-readable bibliographic record at the time of display or interchange.
May contain: #pcdata, bibseries, descnote, edition, imprint, name, title
May occur within: resourcerel
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A concise essay or chronology that places the corporate body, person or family in its historical context. Includes significant information about the administrative history of a corporate body, or the life of an individual or family. The <bioghist> may contain just text in a series of Paragraphs <p>, and/or a Chronology List <chronlist> that matches dates and date ranges with associated events.
<bioghist> is recursive (i.e., the element is available within itself) to facilitate the use of multiple headings with subdivided descriptions for complex collections, and to enable EAC markup to be used for a variety of output. The <bioghist> element may also be nested to designate a portion of the essay or chronology that might be extracted as a subfield in another system.
May contain: address, bioghist, blockquote, chronlist, didentifier, head, list, p, table
May occur within: bioghist, desc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2.2 History |
GARR: | ii) Information note |
RA auktoriseringsregler: | 1-4.8, 5-7.10 Historik |
A formatting element that designates an extended quotation. The quotation is set off from the text by spacing or other typographic distinction.
Use the Emphasis <emph> element, not <blockquote>, to tag words that are set off with quotations for emphasis or as a small quoted phrase that occurs, "as these words do," in the line of text.
May contain: address, chronlist, list, p, table
May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, causa, character, descnote, env, event, funactdesc, item, locations, note, ocd, p, sourceinfo
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
The source of authority or mandate for the corporate body in terms of its powers, functions, responsibilities or sphere of activities, such as a law, directive or charter.
References to the actual document sources can be contained in <bibref> or <archref> within a list or paragraph.
May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, p, table
May occur within: corpdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2.6 Mandate(s)/Source(s) of authority |
RA auktoriseringsregler: |
Distinguishing characteristics of a person, such as sex, hair color, height, and so on. These characteristics may be described formally using <sex> or <descentry>, in informal prose, or a combination of both within <character>.
May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, p, sex, table
May occur within: persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Contains column headings for a Chronological List. A Chronological List may contain three columns, and thus the Chronological Head may contain three column headers: <head01>, <head02>, and <head03>.
May contain: head01, head02, head03
May occur within: chronlist
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within a Chronological List, Chronological List Item associates related date, optional place name, and an event or group of events. Each <chronitem> contains a <date> (either a single date or date range), followed by an optional <place>, followed by an <event>. When multiple <event>s are associated with a single <date>, the <event>s are bundled in an <eventgrp> tag, which is then easily paired with the appropriate <date> and optional <place>. <chronitem> is repeated for each set of associated date, place name, and event or group of events.
May contain: date, event, eventgrp, place
May occur within: chronlist
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Chronological List contains a sequentially structured list of significant events in the life of the person or during the existence of the family or corporate body described in the EAC record. Such events are associated with the date of occurrence and optionally with the name of a place. Each <chronlist> contains a series of <chronitem>s, each associating a <date>, an optional <place>, and an <event> or <eventgrp>.
A <chronlist> most often appears as part of the Biography or History <bioghist> element, but <chronlist> is also available for use in other elements that might need to present historical dates, places, and events in a multi-column list.
May contain: chronhead, chronitem, head
May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, descnote, env, event, extref, funactdesc, item, locations, note, ocd, p, ref, sourceinfo
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
An empty formatting element that designates the position and size of a single column in a Table <table>. Attributes specify the unique name of the column, its unique number within the table, its width and rules, and the horizontal alignment of text within the column. The quantity of columns in a <table> is determined by the COLS attribute of the <tgroup> element, not by the number of <colspec>s defined. The values set for <colspec> override any values implied from <tgroup> or <thead> elements.
See also related elements <table> and <tgroup>.
May contain: EMPTY
May occur within: tgroup
Attributes: |
align: | #IMPLIED, left, right, center, justify, char |
char: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
charoff: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
colname: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
colnum: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
colsep: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
colwidth: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
rowsep: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
A container element for the bulk of an EAC instance consisting of groups of elements for identifying and describing a corporate body, person or family.
May contain: desc, eacrels, funactrels, head, identity, resourcerels
May occur within: eac
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A container element used only within <eacgrp>. The <condescgrp> consists of two or more EAC instances, and optional elements for identifying the group and its relations.
May contain: eac, eacrels, funactrels, head, identity, resourcerels
May occur within: eacgrp
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within <archref> or <archunit>, an element for information that contributes to locating materials described in an EAD instance by indicating the kinds of devices that hold the materials and identifying any sequential numbers assigned to those devices.
Use of the TYPE attribute is strongly recommended to clarify the nature of the storage device. Use any useful designations, such as "box," "folder," and "reel."
While <container> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: archref, archunit
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A container element for structured information about a corporate body and its context.
Subelements are available for specifications of the type <corptype>, legal status <legalstatus>, and business location <location> of the entity. A general descriptive entry <descentry> element is also available for expanding the descriptive categories according to local contents rules. The context of the corporate body can be described in subelements for its mandates and warrants <causa>, functions and activities <funactdesc>, assets and administrative structure <assetstruct>, as well as its general cultural and physical environment <env>. Each of these elements represents a particular descriptive category, and has the same subelements: <value>, optionally followed by <date>, <place>, <descnote>, and <sourceref>.
May contain: assetstruct, causa, corptype, descentry, env, existdesc, funactdesc, head, legalstatus, location, locations, ocd
May occur within: desc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2 Description area |
An element used to associate parallel corporate names in various languages or script forms.
May contain: corphead, descnote, descnotes, nameadds, sourceref, sourcerefs
May occur within: identity
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: : | 5.1.3 Parallel forms of name |
An element containing a heading for the corporate body described in the EAC instance. The heading may combine name elements with additional qualifiers so that the corporate body can be identified with certainty and distinguished from others bearing the same or similar names. The element is used both for authoritative and alternative headings.
A corporate name is the proper noun name that identifies an organization or group of people that acts as an entity. Examples include names of associations, institutions, business firms, nonprofit enterprises, governments, government agencies, projects, programs, religious bodies, churches, conferences, athletic contests, exhibitions, expeditions, fairs, and ships.
An agency may designate one of the headings as the authoritative or preferred heading within the context of its descriptive system by assigning its owner or repository code as a value in the attribute AUTHORIZED. The descriptive rules applied for establishing the heading shall be stated in the RULE attribute.
The other forms of the heading may be
• | any variant to the established forms or an incomplete piece of an established heading |
• | translations of the name |
• | changes of name over time |
• | acronyms |
The subelement <part> is used to distinguish components of names. While an entire name may be recorded in a single <part>, specific content rules may require use of <part> to distinguish name components such as the name of a corporate body when used as the entry component of the heading.
Use the subelements <existdate> for chronological qualifiers, <place> for topographical, and <nameadd> for other qualifiers that form the corporate heading. For changes of name over time use HEADTYPE to specify if the form was used earlier or later. The dates of when a form of name was used may be recorded in the element <usedate>.
Note that the dates of existence should always be recorded separately within <existdesc> even if it is included in the <corphead> as a qualifier.
Do not confuse with <head> which is used for display purposes only.
See also related element <corpname>.
May contain: descnote, descnotes, existdate, nameadd, part, place, sourceref, sourcerefs, usedate
May occur within: corpgrp, identity
Attributes: |
authorized: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
languagecode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
rule: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
scriptcode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.2 Authorized form of name |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.3 Parallel form of name |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.4 Standardized form of name according to other rules |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.5 Other forms of name |
GARR: | 1.1 Authority heading area |
GARR: | 1.3 See reference tracing |
NCA: Rules Corporate Names: | 4.1 Corporate bodies and corporate names |
RNA: | § 20-21 Erfassung der Körperschaftsnamen |
RA auktoriseringsregler: | 1-6 |
The proper noun name that identifies an organization or group of people that acts as an entity. In contrast to <corphead>, <corpname> is not a formal heading intended for use in indexing, sorting, and display.
The <corpname> element may be used in text elements such as <p>, and elements that may only contain other elements, such as <eacrel>.
See also the related element <corphead>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: bibref, descnote, eacrel, entry, event, extref, item, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, repository, sourceinfo, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
The corporate body or organization type is an element for formal classifications of an entity with other or more specified terms than contained in the element <legalstatus>.
Enter terms in accordance with local rules, and use the TYPEAUTH attribute to specify any controlled vocabulary applied. If the type has changed, use the date element for the covering dates when the term applied.
May contain: date, descnote, place, sourceref, value
May occur within: corpdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2.4 Legal status |
A generic element that contains a month, day, or year in any format. Use <date> to identify any dates that merit encoding.
For the dates of existence of the corporate body and the life dates of the person use <existdate> within the context of <existdesc>, and, when necessary for distinguishing a name heading, also within <corphead>, <pershead> or <famhead>.
A standard numeric form of the date (YYYYMMDD, etc.) can be specified with the NORMAL attribute to facilitate machine comparison of dates for searching, for example, 19480101/19980401 (YYYYMMDD/YYYYMMDD), or 1948/1998 (YYYY/YYYY). The TYPE attribute can be used to supply a more specific designation, for example, "life," "flourish," "depiction," "publication," or "acquisition." The CERTAINTY attribute may be used to indicate the degree of precision in the dating, for example, "circa," "approximately," or "after." The CALENDAR attribute can be used to specify the calendar from which the date stems, such as "gregorian" or "julian". The value "ce" (common or Christian era) is the default for the ERA attribute.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, altdate, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: chronitem, corptype, descentry, descnote, eacrel, entry, event, extref, funactrel, imprint, item, legalstatus, location, note, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, resourcerel, sex, sourceinfo, title, unittitle
Attributes: |
calendar: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
era: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
form: | #IMPLIED, single, closedspan, openspan |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
normal: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
scope: | #IMPLIED, begin, end, active, begin-end |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Description contains either formal, informal, or a combination of formal and informal description of the entity described in the EAC instance.
After an optional <head>, three optional elements are available for formal description of each entity type: <corpdesc>, <persdesc> and <famdesc>. The formal information can be replaced or supplemented by an informal description using <bioghist>. Any other related information can be contained in the <ocd> or Other Context Description.
May contain: bioghist, corpdesc, famdesc, head, ocd, persdesc
May occur within: condesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2 Description area |
Within <corpdesc>, <famdesc>, and <perdesc>, <descentry> provides a means to extend the available descriptive categories. Its meaning will be dependent of the context in which it occurs, and the specifications entered in the TYPE attribute.
Each <descentry> contains a descriptive term entered within <value>, optionally followed by <date>, <place>, <descnote>, and <sourceref>.
May contain: date, descnote, place, sourceref, value
May occur within: assetstruct, causa, character, corpdesc, env, famdesc, funactdesc, ocd, persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A generic element that provides additional information and specifications on the descriptive element in which it is contained.
Use TYPE to specify the kind of note provided. In order to accomodate more than one type and a <head>, see <descnotes>.
See also related element note.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title
May occur within: archref, archunit, bibunit, corpgrp, corphead, corptype, descentry, descnotes, eacrel, eacrels, existdesc, famgrp, famhead, funactrel, funactrels, identity, legalstatus, location, musunit, persgrp, pershead, resourcerel, resourcerels, sex, source
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A container element for two or more descriptive notes.
May occur within: corpgrp, corphead, eacrel, eacrels, famgrp, famhead, funactrel, funactrels, identity, persgrp, pershead, resourcerel, resourcerels
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
The Digital Identifier contains a machine-readable reference to an internet accessible digital portrait or other non-textual digital identifiers of the described entity.
While XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, which is the basis for EAC linking elements is stable, examples of EAC usage are hypothetical and have not been tested in real XLink-based applications. Those wishing to use XLink are encouraged to consult the specification available online at
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: bioghist, identity
Attributes: |
actuate: | #IMPLIED, onload, onrequest, actuateother, actuatenone |
arcrole: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
href: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
linktype: | #FIXED, simple, simple |
role: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
show: | #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed, showother, shownone |
targetout: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
title: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Within <physdesc>, <dimensions> provides information about the size of the materials being referenced. Measurements may be expressed in any convenient unit. Attributes may be used when the unit of measurement or type of dimension is not clear in the reference. The UNIT attribute specifies the kind of measurement, for example, "inches" or "meters." The TYPE attribute specifies the kind of dimensions being measured, for example, "height" or "circumference." Multiple dimensions, for example, height-by-width, can be tagged in a single <dimensions> element or in separate <dimensions> with distrinctive attribute values.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, dimensions, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: dimensions, physdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
unit: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
The root element of an EAC instance. An EAC instance contains the description of one corporate body, family, or person as well as technical and intellectual information used in the creation, maintenance, and control of the description.
The <eac> element defines a particular instance of a document encoded with the EAC Document Type Definition. It contains two required elements — the<eacheader> and the <condesc>. The TYPE attribute is required to indicate whether the entity being described is a corporate body, person or family.
May contain: condesc, eacheader
May occur within: condescgrp
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #REQUIRED, corporatebody, person, family |
The root element of a document containing two or more EAC instances.
Three types of EAC groups can be disignated:
disparate: | any package of records, linked or not, for the purpose of data exchange |
identity: | a group of different eac records (from different sources) representing the same entity. A common header should then be contained in the condescgrp |
related: | any group of eac instances representing related and linked entities, such as parents and children |
The eac.dtd contains an entity eacgrp that should be set to 'INCLUDE' in order to enable this function.
May contain: condescgrp, eacheader
May occur within: Not applicable, highest-level element in EAC Group DTD.
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type : | #REQUIRED, identity, related, disparate |
<eacheader> contains technical and intellectual information used in the creation, maintenance, and control of the EAC instance.
The element is required, and must contain <eacid> with a unique identifier for the instance; and <mainhist> providing information on the creation, maintenance, and disposition of the instance. Optionally, <eadheader> may also contain <authdecl> providing information on authorities or controlled vocabularies used in the description; <languagedecl> providing information on languages and scripts used in the description; <ruledecl> providing information on content or descriptive rules used in the the rules used in the composition of the description; and <sourcedecl> providing citation information for the documentary sources used in the composition of the description.
The drafting status of the record must be recorded in the STATUS attribute. The value "edited" indicates that the record is approved for publication . It is also recommended that the attribute DETAILLEVEL is used to indicate whether the record consists of minimal, partial or full level of detail in accordance with the rules applied. The TYPE and TYPEKEY attributes can be used for a specification or a local terms for the general entity type--corporate body, person or family--entered in eac@type.
The following attributes have default values:
COUNTRYENCODING specifies the authority for the value that appears in COUNTRYCODE on a variety of elements. DATEENCODING specifies the authority for composing the value that appears in <date> and <usedate>. LANGENCODING specifies the authority for the value that appears in LANG on a variety of elements. OWNERENCODING specifies the authority used for the value that appears in the OWNERCODE attributes on a variety of elements. SCRIPTENCODING specifies the authority used for the value that appears in theSCRIPT attributes on a variety of elements.
May contain: authdecl, eacid, languagedecl, mainhist, ruledecl, sourcedecl
Attributes: |
countryencoding: | iso3166-1, NMTOKEN |
dateencoding : | iso8601, NMTOKEN |
detaillevel: | #IMPLIED, minimal, partial, full |
encodinganalogsys: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
langencoding : | iso639-2b, NMTOKEN |
ownerencoding: | iso15511, NMTOKEN |
scriptencoding: | iso15924, NMTOKEN |
status : | #REQUIRED, draft, edited, deleted |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2 5.1.1 : | Type of entity |
ISAAR(CPF)2 5.4.4 : | Status of authority record |
ISAAR(CPF)2 5.4.5 : | Level of detail of authority record |
A required subelement of <eacheader> that designates a unique identifier for a particular EAC instance.
The assigning owner ensures the uniqueness of the value within the EAC descriptive system under its control. The <eacid>when used in combination with the values in COUNTRYCODE and OWNERCODE will provide a globally unique identifier.
The attribute SYSKEY accommodates the unique machine readable identifier of the record within the system referred to in the SYSTEM attribute. The value of SYSTEM must by an entity declared in the head of the EAC instance containing the path to the system.
May contain: #pcdata
May occur within: eacheader
Attributes: |
countrycode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
ownercode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
syskey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
system: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2 5.4.1 : | Authority record identifier |
ISAAR(CPF)2 5.4.1 : | Institution identifier |
EAC Relation contains the description of a relation with another corporate body, person or family. Such related entities are typically described in another EAC instance. Use the <date> elements for specifying when the relation applied, and the <descnote> for more detailed specifications or explanations of the relation.
The attribute SYSKEY combined with SYSTEM accommodates a machine readable identifier of the related entity. The value of SYSKEY should hence be the same as the value of SYSKEY of <eacid> of the related EAC instance.
Use the RELTYPE attribute to specify the relationship of the related
entity to the entity being described.
superior, subordinate: | any hierarchical relation |
earlier, later: | any temporal relations, such as predecessor, successor |
parent, child: | a biological or adoptive relation |
associative: | any other relationship, "see also" |
identity: | for linking different eac instances describing the same entity (used esp. for linking to external systems or when it otherwise is not possible to remove the duplicate) |
The relations can be further specified with the attributes TYPE or preferably TYPEKEY, which can be associated with a thesaurus or local term list identified by the TYPEAUTH attribute.
Be careful to enter the RELTYPE values in such a way that the relation
points in the right direction. If the EAC instance X has the relations:
<eacrel reltype="parent"><persname>Y</persname></eacrel>
it means that "Y is the parent of X and Z is the child of X". These relations
can also be displayed in the following structure:
Relations of X
Parent: Y
Child: Z
Note that the temporal relations should not be applied for earlier/later forms of names for the same entity. Such names should be entered in the <corphead>, <pershead> or <famhead> elements with earlier/later specified in the attribute HEADTYPE. The criteria for when a change of name of a corporate body should be regarded as a mere name change or as a creation of a new entity should be based on content rules.
This element can also be used for a reference to another authority record for the same entity in another system, such as a national authority file. The value of the attribute RELTYPE should then be "identity".
May contain: corpname, date, descnote, descnotes, famname, persname, place, source
May occur within: eacrels
Attributes: |
countrycode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
ownercode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
reltype: | #IMPLIED, superior, subordinate, earlier, later, associative, parent, child, identity |
rule: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
syskey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
system: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.3 Relationships area |
An element used for grouping one or more <eacrel> elements with an optional <head>.
May contain: descnote, descnotes, eacrel, head, sourceref, sourcerefs
May occur within: condesc, condescgrp
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.3 Relationships area |
An element used to record the version or edition of a published work in <bibref> or <bibunit>, or a museum object in <musunit>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: bibref, bibunit, musunit, source, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A formatting element for marking arbitrary words or phrases that are stressed or emphasized for linguistic effect. Use the RENDER attribute to specify the kind of emphasis, e.g., bold or italics.
When the content of an entire element should always be rendered in italics or some other display feature, use the style sheet functions instead of the <emph> element.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: abstract, addressline, altdate, archref, auth, bibref, bibseries, container, corpname, date, descnote, didentifier, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, existdate, extent, extref, famname, funact, genreform, head, head01, head02, head03, ignore, item, langmaterial, language, legalid, maindate, maindesc, materialspec, name, nameadd, note, num, origination, p, part, persname, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, publisher, ref, repository, rule, sourceinfo, sourceref, subarea, subject, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
render: | #IMPLIED, bold, italic, bolditalic, boldunderline, boldsmcaps, boldquoted, nonproport, altrender, quoted, smcaps, sub, super, underline |
Entry is used to record the contents of a cell in a table row. A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. The <entry> attributes control cell spanning, alignment of the contents, and the rules on the cell edges. The attributes can be specified for <entry> or inherited from the nearest of the following table elements: <table>, <tgroup>, <colspec>, <tbody>, or <row>.
Three attributes are used together to force horizontal alignment on a specific character, such as a decimal point. The ALIGN attribute must be set to "char" (align="char"). The CHAR attribute should be set to the specific character on which the text will align (for example the decimal point, char="."). The CHAROFF attribute controls the position of the alignment by naming the percentage of the current column width that is to the left of the alignment character (for example, charoff="30").
The extent of a horizontal span is determined by naming the first column (NAMEST) and the last column (NAMEEND) in the span.
By convention, the specified rule is printed or displayed to the right of the column. External rules are specified using the FRAME attribute of the <table> element, horizontal rules are specified using ROWSEP.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, title
May occur within: row
Attributes: |
align: | #IMPLIED, left, right, center, justify, char |
char: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
charoff: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
colname: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
colsep: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
morerows: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
nameend: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
namest: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
rowsep: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
valign: | #IMPLIED, top, middle, bottom |
Information on the social, cultural, economic, and political context in which the corporate body, person or family operated.
May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, p, table
May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
That part of a Chronological List Item <chronitem> which describes a significant occurrence, milestone, or activity. The <event> is paired with a <date> and optionally with a <place>. When two or more events occur in association with the same date, multiple <event>s can be grouped using <eventgrp>.
See related element Chronology List <chronlist>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title
May occur within: chronitem, eventgrp
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
An element within a Chronology List Item <chronitem> used for grouping two or more <event> elements associated with the same <date>.
See related element Chronology List <chronlist>.
May contain: event
May occur within: chronitem
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
The dates of existence of the entity being described, such as dates of establishment and dissolution for corporate bodies, and dates of birth and death or floruit for persons.
Use <existdate> within the context of <existdesc> for the dates of existence of a corporate body and the life dates of a person. Use <existdate> in the context of a <corphead>, <famhead>, and <pershead> when necessary for distinguishing a name heading.
The element may contain a month, day, or year in any format. A standard numeric form of the date (YYYYMMDD, etc.) can be specified with the NORMAL attribute to facilitate machine comparison of dates for searching, for example, 19480101/19980401 (YYYYMMDD/YYYYMMDD), or 1948/1998 (YYYY/YYYY). The TYPE and TYPEKEY attributes can be used to supply a more specific designation, for example, "floruit", or to indicate the degree of precision in the dating, for example, "circa", "approximately", "before" or "after." The CALENDAR attribute can be used to specify the calendar from which the date stems, such as "gregorian" or "julian". The ERA attribute can be used to specify the era from which the data stems, such as "ce" (common or Christian era) or "bce" (before common or Christian era).
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, altdate, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: corphead, existdesc, famhead, nameadds, pershead
Attributes: |
calendar: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
era: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
form: | #IMPLIED, single, closedspan, openspan |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
normal: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
scope: | #IMPLIED, begin, end, active, begin-end |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A container element for the dates of existence (<existdate>) and associated places, such as place of birth and place of death (<place>), of the entity .
May contain: descnote, existdate, place, sourceref
May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A generic element to designate the full form of a word that often appears as an abbreviation or acronym. Use the ABBR attribute to supply the abbreviated form for indexing or searching purposes.
See also related element Abbreviation <abbr>.
May contain: #pcdata
May occur within: abstract, addressline, altdate, archref, auth, bibref, bibseries, container, corpname, date, descnote, didentifier, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, existdate, extent, extref, famname, funact, genreform, head, head01, head02, head03, ignore, item, langmaterial, language, legalid, maindate, maindesc, materialspec, name, nameadd, note, num, origination, p, part, persname, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, publisher, ref, repository, rule, sourceinfo, sourceref, subarea, subject, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value
Attributes: |
abbr: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A <physdesc> subelement for information about the quantity of the materials being described or an expression of the physical space they occupy in an <archref> or <archunit>. Includes such traditional archival measurements as cubic and linear feet and meters; also includes counts of microfilm reels, photographs, or other special formats, the number of logical records in a database, or the volume of a data file in bytes.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: physdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
unit: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
An empty linking element that uses attributes to reference or link to an electronic object that is external to the EAC instance.
Use the ENTITYREF or HREF attribute to reference the external object
Do not confuse with the Pointer <ptr> element, which is an internal link for movement from one place in an EAC instance to another place in the same instance.
While XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, which is the basis for EAC linking elements is stable, examples of EAC usage are hypothetical and have not been tested in real XLink-based applications. Those wishing to use XLink are encouraged to consult the specification available online at
May contain: EMPTY
May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, bibref, container, descnote, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, head01, head02, head03, item, langmaterial, maindesc, materialspec, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
Attributes: |
actuate: | #IMPLIED, onload, onrequest, actuateother, actuatenone |
arcrole: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
href: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
linktype: | #FIXED, simple, simple |
role: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
show: | #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed, showother, shownone |
targetout: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
title: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A linking element that can include text and subelements as part of its reference to an electronic object that is external to the EAC instance.
Use the ENTITYREF or HREF attribute to reference the external object.
Use the <ref> element to point to another location within the EAC document.
While XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, which is the basis for EAC linking elements is stable, examples of EAC usage are hypothetical and have not been tested in real XLink-based applications. Those wishing to use XLink are encouraged to consult the specification available online at
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, num, persname, place, ptr, subject, table, title
May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, bibref, container, descnote, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, item, langmaterial, materialspec, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
Attributes: |
actuate: | #IMPLIED, onload, onrequest, actuateother, actuatenone |
arcrole: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
href: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
linktype: | #FIXED, simple, simple |
role: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
show: | #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed, showother, shownone |
targetout: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
title: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Family Description contains elements used to provide a formal, structured description of a family.
Subelements are available for specifications of its legal status <legalstatus> and residence <location>. A general descriptive entry <descentry> element is also available for expanding the descriptive categories according to local contents rules. The context of the family can be described in subelements for its functions <funactdesc>, assets <assetstruct>, and the general cultural and physical environment <env>. Each of these elements represents a particular descriptive category and has the same subelements: <value>, optionally followed by <date>, <place>, <descnote>, and <sourceref>.
May contain: assetstruct, descentry, env, existdesc, funactdesc, head, legalstatus, location, locations, ocd
May occur within: desc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2 Description area |
An element used to associate parallel family names in various languages or script forms.
May contain: descnote, descnotes, famhead, nameadds, sourceref, sourcerefs
May occur within: identity
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.3 Parallel forms of name |
An element containing a heading for the family described in the EAC instance. The heading may combine name elements with additional qualifiers so that the family can be identified with certainty and distinguished from others bearing the same or similar names. The element is used both for authoritative and alternative headings.
A family name is the proper noun designation for a group of persons closely related by blood or persons who form a household. Includes single families and family groups.
When more than one heading is assigned, an agency may designate one of the headings as the authoritative or preferred heading within the context of its descriptive system by assigning its owner or repository code as a value in the attribute AUTHORIZED. The descriptive rules applied for establishing the heading shall be stated in the RULE attribute.
Within a family heading <part> should be used for components of names.
Use <date> for chronological qualifiers, <place> for topographical, and <nameadd> for other qualifiers. For changes of name over time use HEADTYPE to specify if the form was used earlier or later. The dates of when a form of name was used may be recorded in the element <usedate>.
Note that the dates of existence should always be recorded separately even if it is included in the <famhead> as a qualifier.
Do not confuse with <head> which is used for display purposes only.
See also the related element <famname>.
May contain: descnote, descnotes, existdate, nameadd, part, place, sourceref, sourcerefs, usedate
May occur within: famgrp, identity
Attributes: |
authorized: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
languagecode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
rule: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
scriptcode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.2 Authorized form of name |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.3 Parallel form of name |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.4 Standardized form of name according to other rules |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.5 Other forms of name |
GARR: | 1.1 Authority heading area |
GARR: | 1.3 See reference tracing |
NCA, Rules Personal Names: | 2.6 Family names |
RNA: | § 12-19 Erfassung der Personennamen |
RA auktoriseringsregler: | 7.3-5 |
The proper noun designation for a group of persons closely related by blood or persons who form a household. Includes single families and family groups.
The <famname> element may be used in text elements such as <p>, and elements that may only contain other elements, such as <eacrel>.
See also the related element <famhead>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: bibref, descnote, eacrel, entry, event, extref, item, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A term for a function, profession or activity performed by the entity.
Use the VALUEAUTH attribute to specify the vocabulary from which the term has been taken, and the VALUEKEY attribute for the unique identifier for the term in the case that this has not been stated in the funactrels.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, ignore, lb, part
May occur within: descnote, entry, event, extref, funactrel, item, note, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
valueauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
valuekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A prose description of the functions and activities of the corporate body or person.
In addition to or instead of <funactdesc>, it is recommended that functions and activities be formally represented using one or more terms selected from a controlled vocabulary or classification scheme and recorded using <funact>. See <funactrels>, <funactrel>, and <funact> for detailed instructions.
May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, p, table
May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2.5 Functions, occupations and activities |
<funactrel> contains a function or activity term selected from a controlled vocabulary or classification scheme in <funact>. In addition to the term, the <date> of the function or activity, the <place> of jurisdiction or occurrence, <source> , and a descriptive note <descnote> may also be associated with the term.
Use the SYSKEY and SYSTEM attributes to point to the applied scheme and the defintion of the function or activity.
May contain: date, descnote, descnotes, funact, place, source
May occur within: funactrels
Attributes: |
countrycode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
ownercode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
reltype: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
rule: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
syskey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
system: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2.5 Functions, occupations and activities |
An element used for grouping one or more <funactrel> elements with an optional <head>.
May contain: descnote, descnotes, funactrel, head, sourceref, sourcerefs
May occur within: condesc, condescgrp
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within the <archunit> and <archref>, <genreform> is used within <physdesc> to identify the types of material being described by naming the style or technique of their intellectual content (genre); order of information or object function (form); and physical characteristics. Examples include: account books, architectural drawings, portraits, short stories, sound recordings, and videotapes.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, ignore, lb, part
May occur within: descnote, entry, event, extref, item, note, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
valueauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
valuekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
<head> is available as the lead element in structurally complex elements. <head> functions as an optional element that can be used to enhance intelligibility of the record by labeling descriptive content for readers. <head> is thus an editorial addition to the record and not inherently a component of the description as such.
Do not confuse with the <listhead> subelements <head01>, <head02> and <head03>, which designate headings for columns in a <list> or <chronlist>. When used within <list> and <chronlist>, <head> labels the entire contents of the list.
Do not confuse with <corphead>, <famhead>, and <pershead> which are used for headings for corporate bodies, families, and personal names described in the EAC instance.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, causa, character, chronlist, condesc, condescgrp, corpdesc, desc, descnotes, eacrels, env, famdesc, funactdesc, funactrels, identity, list, locations, ocd, persdesc, resourcerels, sourcerefs, table
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within <listhead>, <head01> is used to provide a heading for the first column in a two-column list.
Within <chronhead>, <head01> is used to provide a heading for the first or <date>-column in either a two- or three-column list.
Do not confuse with <head>, which designates a heading for an entire list or other complex text structure.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, extptr, lb, ptr
May occur within: chronhead, listhead
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within <listhead>, <head02> is used to provide a heading for the second column in a two-column list.
Within <chronhead>, <head02> is used to provide a heading for the second or <place>-column in either a two- or three-column list. <head02> should be omitted when <place> is not provided in at least one of the <chronitem>s in <chronlist>.
Do not confuse with <head>, which designates a heading for an entire list or other complex text structure.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, extptr, lb, ptr
May occur within: chronhead, listhead
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within <chronhead>, <head03> is used to provide a heading for the third or <event>-column. If <head02> is omitted because <place> is not provided in at least one of the <chronitem>s in the <chronlist>, <head03> constitutes the second column in a two-column list. Otherwise it is the third column in a three-column list.
Do not confuse with <head>, which designates a heading for an entire list or other complex text structure.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, extptr, lb, ptr
May occur within: chronhead
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
<identity> is a mandatory element that groups elements to provide both authorized and alternative name headings that identify the entity described in the EAC instance, as well as other elements that assist in identification of the entity.
Qualifying additions to the names that are common to all of the headings can be incorporated into a single <nameadds> directly within <identity>. Qualifying additions to names that are not common to all headings should be recorded in <corphead>,<famhead>, or <pershead>, as appropriate.
May contain: corpgrp, corphead, descnote, descnotes, didentifier, famgrp, famhead, head, legalid, nameadds, persgrp, pershead, sourceref, sourcerefs
May occur within: condesc, condescgrp
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1 Identity area |
Within a controlled-value element, <ignore> may be used to
designate an arbitrary string that is to be ignored in display, indexing,
sorting, any combination of display, indexing, and sorting, or all three
functions. The TYPE attribute is used to designate which functions are to be
ignored. TYPE attribute values and their meaning are provided in the following
i: | indexing |
s: | sorting |
d: | display |
di: | display and indexing |
is: | indexing and sorting |
ds: | display and sorting |
all: | all |
Within shared systems, the repository code should be entered in the AUTHORIZED attribute.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: funact, genreform, part, subject
Attributes: |
authorized: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, i, s, d, di, is, ds, all |
Information relating to the publication or distribution of a work cited in a Bibliographic Reference <bibref>, <bibunit>, <musunit>, or <source>. In each of these elements the place of publication, name of the publisher, and date of publication can be encoded as either plain text or wrapped in the <imprint> subelements <place>, <publisher>, and <date>. It is seldom, if ever, appropriate to use <imprint> in a citation for an unpublished work cited in a <bibref> or <bibunit>.
May contain: date, place, publisher
May occur within: bibref, bibunit, musunit, source, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
<item> is used for entries or members of lists. When used directly within a <list>, item is a member of a simple list. When used within <items>, the first <item> represents the first cell in a two-column table, and the second <item> the second cell.
Do not confuse with <chronitem>, which designates entries in a Chronology List <chronlist>.
See also related elements <list>, <defitem>, and <change>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within a <list>, <items> groups or associates two <item>s to form a simple two-column table. Such two-column tables are commonly used for lists in which the first <item> is a label or category and the second <item> is a member of or explains the category.
May contain: item
May occur within: list
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within <archref> or <archunit>, a prose statement enumerating the language(s) of related archival material described in an archival reference to an EAD instance.
While <langmaterial> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
Language of the material may also be recorded in coded form in the The LANGUAGECODE attribute in the <language> subelement using the ISO 639-2b three-letter language codes.
Do not confuse with the Language Declaration <languagedecl> element which specifies the predominant language(s) used in the descriptive content of the records. See also the description for the <language> element.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, language, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: archref, archunit
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAD(G): | 3.4.3 Language(s) and script(s) of material |
Within <languagedecl> in the <eacheader>, <language> specifies the predominant language and script used in the descriptive content of the authority record. If the descriptive content employs more than one language or script, <language> should be repeated for each language and script pair. The LANGUAGECODE attribute should have the appropriate value selected from ISO 639-2b and the SCRIPTCODE attribute should have an appropriate value from ISO 15924. In addition to the attributes, the natural language name of the language and script should be entered as the content of the element.
In a multilingual authority record with headings in different languages or scripts, the languages and scripts used in the heading are to be identified in the attributes LANGUAGECODE and SCRIPTCODE on <pershead>, <corphead> or <famhead>, as appropriate.
The LANGUAGECODE attribute should be used to provide the three-letter ISO 639-2b code for the language.
The SCRIPTCODE attribute may be used to specify the ISO 15924 code for the script in which the language is written.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: langmaterial, languagedecl
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
languagecode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
scriptcode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
Within <eacheader>, <languagedecl> contains one or more <language> elements that declare the predominant language or languages used in the descriptive content of the record.
May contain: language
May occur within: eacheader
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.4.6 Language(s) and script(s) of record |
<lb> is a widely available element used to mark an intended arbitrary line break in the display of the otherwise in-line content of the containing element. <lb> should be used sparingly and not instead of formatting that can be applied by a stylesheet or another element, such as <list> or <p>.
May contain: EMPTY
May occur within: abstract, addressline, altdate, archref, auth, bibref, bibseries, container, corpname, date, descnote, didentifier, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, existdate, extent, extref, famname, funact, genreform, head, head01, head02, head03, ignore, item, langmaterial, language, legalid, maindate, maindesc, materialspec, name, nameadd, note, num, origination, p, part, persname, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, publisher, ref, repository, rule, sourceinfo, sourceref, subarea, subject, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value
Attributes: This element has no attributes.
<legalid> contains a unique identifier for the entity described in the EAC instance. Such legal identifiers are typically assigned by an authoritative and typically public agency.
Although legal identifiers are used also for individuals—such as civic registration numbers, Swedish birth registration number, and US social security number—such identifiers typically should not be recorded for public display if the person is alive. Such display of legal identifiers for individuals constitutes an illegal act in many countries.
The authority under which the legal identifier has been allocated may be referenced in the TYPEAUTH attribute.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb, part
May occur within: identity
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
valueauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
valuekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
The legal status of an entity, as the name suggests, is typically defined by government authorities and granted by the same government authorities or through authorized agencies.
Enter terms in accordance with legislation. Use the TYPEAUTH attribute to specify any controlled vocabulary applied. If the status has changed, use the date element for the covering dates when the status applied.
For corporate bodies the <corptype> element can also be used for more detailed classifications without legal significances.
May contain: date, descnote, place, sourceref, value
May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2.4 Legal status |
<list> is used to form two types of lists. The first type of list is a simple list consisting of a series of two or more <item> elements. Simple lists can be “marked,” for example, with bullets; “ordered,” for example, with Arabic numerals; or displayed “as is.”
The second type is a definition list. A definition list consists of a series of two or more <items> elements, each of which contains two <item> elements. Definition lists are essentially two-column tables. Generally the first <item> contains a term or phrase and the second <item> a description or definition of the term or phrase.
The TYPE attribute is used to identify the type of list. Values of TYPE
simple: | list is a simple series of entries. |
marked: | a simple list prefixed with a character, for example, as bullet. |
ordered: | a simple list prefixed with an indication of order such as a numeral or alphabetical character. |
deflist: | a definition list |
If the TYPE attribute value is “marked”, the MARK attribute can be used to provide the character that is intended to be used as the entry prefix. For example, "•" for a bullet.
If the TYPE attribute value is “ordered”, the NUMERATION attribute can be
used to indicate the method of indicating order. The following values are
arabic: | Arabic number |
upperalpha: | Upper case alphabetic character |
loweralpha: | Lower case alphabetic character |
upperroman: | Upper case Roman numeral |
lowerroman: | Lower case Roman numeral |
If ordering is to take place across two or more lists, the CONTINUATION attribute value should be “continues”. While “starts” is also a value option, “starts” is implied when the CONTINUATION attribute is absent.
See also the related elements <items> and <item>.
May contain: head, item, items, listhead
May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, descnote, entry, env, event, extref, funactdesc, item, locations, note, ocd, p, ref, sourceinfo
Attributes: |
continuation: | #IMPLIED, continues, starts |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
mark: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
numeration: | #IMPLIED, arabic, upperalpha, loweralpha, upperroman, lowerroman |
type: | #IMPLIED, simple, deflist, marked, ordered |
A formatting element that groups headings for columns in a definition list. The headings are called <head01> and <head02>.
See <list> for additional information on definition lists.
May occur within: list
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
An element used to contain information on the place or jurisdiction where the entity was based, lived or resided or had some other connection. <place> should be used for the name of the place, and <address> may be used for a full or partial address. <date> may be used to specify the date or dates the location is relevant to the described entity. Use the TYPE attribute to specify how the location is related to the entity.
May contain: address, date, descnote, place, sourceref
May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, locations, persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2.3 Geographical areas |
RA auktoriseringsregler: | 1-5.6,6-8.8 Topografiska uppgifter |
An element used for grouping two or more <location> elements with an optional <head>.
May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, head, list, location, p, table
May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within the <mainevent>, <maindate> contains the occurrence date of a maintenance event. The date may be machine generated or entered manually. The content of the element is intended to be a human-readable natural language date, with a machine-readable date provided as the value of the NORMAL attribute, formulated according to ISO 8601.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: mainevent
Attributes: |
calendar: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
normal: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Within the <mainevent>, <maindesc> contains a description of a maintenance event. The description may be machine generated or entered manually.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, extptr, lb, ptr
May occur within: mainevent
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within the <mainhist>, each <mainevent> contains the name, date, and description of an EAC description maintenance event or activity.
Each <mainevent> has a required MAINTYPE attribute to accommodate one of four possible values: create, update, import, or delete.
May contain: maindate, maindesc, name
May occur within: mainhist
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
maintype: | #REQUIRED, create, update, delete, import |
Within the <eacheader>, <mainhist> contains one or more <mainevent>s documenting milestone events or activities in the maintenance of the EAC instance. <mainhist> is a required element containing at least one <mainevent>.
<mainhist> is required because it is considered essential in the effective management and communication or exchange of EAC descriptive instances.
May contain: mainevent
May occur within: eacheader
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2 5.4.7 : | Dates of creation and revision |
Within the <archref> or <archunit>, data which are unique to a particular class or form of material and which are not assigned to any other element of description in an archival reference to an EAD instance. Examples of material specific details include mathematical data, such as scale for cartographic and architectural records, jurisdictional and denominational data for philatelic records, and physical presentation data for music records.
While <materialspec> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, materialspec, note, num, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: archref, archunit, materialspec
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
<musunit> contains the description of a museum object or collection.
While this information may be stored in the EAC instance, the currency of the information will be ensured if it is imported into the EAC instance from a machine-readable museum description at the time of display or interchange.
May contain: #pcdata, bibseries, descnote, edition, imprint, name, title
May occur within: resourcerel
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
In most contexts of use, <name> contains a proper noun or noun phrase designation for a named entity that is difficult to tag more specifically as a <corpname>, <famname>, <geogname>, <persname>, or <title>. <name> may be used in place of the more specific access elements when it is not known what kind of name is being described or when a high degree of precision is unnecessary.
Within <mainevent>, where formal designation of the type of name is not considered important, <name> is used for the person or agency responsible for a maintenance event.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: bibref, bibunit, mainevent, musunit, origination, repository, source
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
valueauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
valuekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
<nameadd> is used for descriptive or distinguishing information other than date or place added to names within <corphead>, <famhead>, and <pershead>. Date and place are to be encoded using <date> and <place>.
Use the TYPE attribute to specify the type of addition.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: corphead, famhead, nameadds, pershead
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
NCA, Rules Personal Names: | 2.5 Qualifiers |
NCA, Rules Corporate Names: | 4.4 Additions and qualifiers |
Used directly within <corpgrp>, <famgrp>, <persgrp>, or <identity> for distinguishing or descriptive additions to names that are common to all headings in the containing element. Common additions generally reflect characteristics of the described entity rather than a characteristics of a particular form of name, for example, dates of existence or place.
May contain: existdate, nameadd, place
May occur within: corpgrp, famgrp, identity, persgrp
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
languagecode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
scriptcode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
A generic element that provides a short statement explaining the text, indicating the basis for an assertion, or citing the source of a quotation or other information.
For additional descriptive information of an associated entry use descnote.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title
May occur within: abstract, container, descnote, dimensions, entry, event, extent, item, langmaterial, materialspec, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
<num> may be used to encode a number or numeric designation when such encoding would facilitate specific processing. In general, such encoding is not necessary. The TYPE attribute may be used to different types or uses of numbers or numeric designation.
Do not confuse with other more specific elements that may contain numeric information.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: bibref, bibseries, descnote, entry, event, extref, item, materialspec, note, p, ref, sourceinfo, title, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
<ocd> for textually complex information about the described entity that is not easily incorporated into one of the other named elements within <condesc>. When converting authority records to an EAC compliant format, the <ocd> element helps to minimize conversion difficulties by designating as "OCD" information that does not fit easily into one of EAC's more distinct categories.
The element should be used with restraint and only after carefully considering the consequences that unspecified content designation poses for searching, retrieving, and displaying information in a networked environment.
May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, ocd, p, table
May occur within: corpdesc, desc, famdesc, ocd, persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2.9 Other significant information |
GARR: | 1.2 Information note area |
Within <archref> or <archunit>, <origination> contains the name or names of the creators of related archival materials described in an archival reference to an EAD instance.
While <origination> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, corpname, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, lb, name, note, persname, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: archref, archunit
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
<p> contains one or more sentences that form a logical prose passage. A paragraph may be a subdivision of a larger composition, or it may exist alone. It is usually typographically distinct: A line space is often left blank before it; the text begins on a new line; and the first letter of the first word is often indented, enlarged, or both.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title
May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, env, funactdesc, locations, ocd
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
<part> may be used to distinguish components of the containing element when such distinguishing would be useful in processing of the information, or when content rules require such components to be distinguished.
<part> is particularly important in the construction of the controlled headings <corphead>, <famhead>, and <pershead>. It may also be useful in distinguishing components of <funact>, <genreform>, <legalid>, <place>, and <subject>.
Use the TYPE or TYPEKEY attributes to provide a precise designation of the name component, such as forename, surname or patronymic in personal name headings and parent body or subordinate unit in corporate name headings.
The punctuation used for distinguishing different parts at display should not be entered in the element but handled by the style sheet.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, ignore, lb
May occur within: corphead, famhead, funact, genreform, legalid, pershead, place, subject
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
<persdesc> contains structured information about a person or the context of the person.
Within <persdesc>, several specific descriptive entries are available. Elements are available for specification of the legal status <legalstatus>, <sex>, and <location> (or residence) of the person. The context of the person can be described in elements for functions and activities, <funactdesc>; personal characteristics, <character>; as well as the general cultural and physical environment, <env>. A general descriptive element, <descentry>, is also available for expanding the descriptive categories according to local contents rules. Each of these elements represents a particular descriptive category, and has the same elements: <value>, optionally followed by <date>, <place>, <descnote>, and <sourceref>.
May contain: character, descentry, env, existdesc, funactdesc, head, legalstatus, location, locations, ocd, sex
May occur within: desc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.2 Description area |
An element used to associate parallel personal names in various languages or script forms.
May contain: descnote, descnotes, nameadds, pershead, sourceref, sourcerefs
May occur within: identity
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.3 Parallel forms of name |
An element containing a heading for the person described in the EAC instance. The heading may combine name elements with additional qualifiers so that the person can be identified with certainty and distinguished from others bearing the same or similar names. The element is used both for authoritative and alternative headings.
A personal name is the name given to an individual, or a name by which he/she is known, consisting of such elements as surname, forename, patronymic, or toponym.
When more than one heading is assigned, an agency may designate one of the headings as the authoritative or preferred heading within the context of its descriptive system by assigning its owner or repository code as a value in the attribute AUTHORIZED. The descriptive rules applied for establishing the heading shall be stated in the RULE attribute.
The other forms of the heading may be
• | any variant to the established forms or an incomplete piece of an established heading |
• | changes of name over time, such as maiden name |
• | pseudonyms |
<part> is used to distinguish components of names. While an entire name may be recorded in a single <part>, specific content rules may require use of <part> to distinguish name components such as family name, patronymic and forename.
Use <existdate> for temporal, <place> for geographical, and <nameadd> for other qualifiers. For changes of name over time, the dates of when a form of name was used may be recorded in the element <usedate>.
Note that the dates of existence should always be recorded separately within <existdesc> even if it is included in the <pershead> as a qualifier.
Do not confuse with <head> which is used for display purposes only.
See also related element <persname>.
May contain: descnote, descnotes, existdate, nameadd, part, place, sourceref, sourcerefs, usedate
May occur within: identity, persgrp
Attributes: |
authorized: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
languagecode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
rule: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
scriptcode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.2 Authorized form of name |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.3 Parallel form of name |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.4 Standardized form of name according to other rules |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.1.5 Other forms of name |
GARR: | 1.1 Authority heading area |
GARR: | 1.3 See reference tracing |
NCA, Rules Personal Names: | 2.1 Personal names |
RNA: | § 12-19 Erfassung der Personennamen |
RA auktoriseringsregler: | 7.3-5 |
The proper noun designation for an individual, including any or all of that individual's forenames, surnames, honorific titles, and added names.
The <persname> element may be used in text elements such as <p>, and elements that may only contain other elements, such as <eacrel>.
See also the related element <pershead>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: bibref, descnote, eacrel, entry, event, extref, item, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within <archref> or <archunit>, a container element for bundling information about the appearance or construction of related archival materials, such as their dimensions, a count of their quantity or statement about the space they occupy, and terms describing their genre, form, or function, as well as any other aspects of their appearance, such as color, substance, style, and technique or method of creation. The information may be presented as plain text, or it may be divided into the <dimensions>, <extent>, <genreform>, and <physfacet> subelements.
While <physdesc> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, corpname, date, dimensions, emph, expan, extent, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, note, persname, physfacet, ptr, ref, subject, title
May occur within: archref, archunit
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Within the <archunit> or <archref>, <physfacet> is an element of <physdesc> for information about an aspect of the appearance of the described materials, such as their color, style, marks, substances, materials, or techniques and methods of creation. It is used especially to note aspects of appearance that affect or limit use of the materials. It generally should not be used for aspects of physical description that are covered more directly by the <extent>, <dimensions>, and <genreform> elements, although use of <genreform> may be appropriate for further specification within some <physfacet> instances.
The TYPE attribute may be used to specify which aspect of the physical appearance is being designated, e.g., <physfacet type="color">red</physfacet>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, note, persname, ptr, ref, subject, title
May occur within: physdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
unit: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Within the <archunit> or <archref>, <physloc> is used for information identifying the place where the described materials are stored, such as the name or number of the building, room, stack, shelf, or other tangible area.
While <physloc> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: archref, archunit
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
The proper noun designation for a place, natural feature, or political jurisdiction. Examples include: Appalachian Mountains; Baltimore, Md.; Chinatown, San Francisco; and Kew Gardens, England.
Use the PLACETYPE attribute to specify whether the element refers to a geographic name or a jurisdictional area. More detailed specifications of the type of place can be done with the TYPE attribute. The NORMAL attribute can be used to provide the authority form of a term that has been encoded with <place> in narrative text, for example., within a <p>.
Use the VALUEAUTH attribute to specify the vocabulary from which the name has been taken, and the VALUEKEY attribute for the unique identifier for the thesaurus term.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb, part
May occur within: chronitem, corphead, corptype, descentry, descnote, eacrel, entry, event, existdesc, extref, famhead, funactrel, imprint, item, legalstatus, location, nameadds, note, p, pershead, ref, resourcerel, sex, sourceinfo
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
normal: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
placetype: | #IMPLIED, geog, juris |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
valueauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
valuekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
An empty linking element that uses attributes to provide information that can be used in rendering to enable navigating from one place in an EAC instance to another place in the same EAC instance. Unlike <ref>, <ptr> cannot contain text or elements to describe the referenced object.
Do not confuse with <extptr> which is used to connect the EAC instance to an external electronic object, which is not part of the described materials.
Either of two attributes may be used to provide addressing information to be used in enabling navigation: HREF or TARGETIN. Of the two, TARGETIN is the most stable and reliable method, as it employs dedicated XML features.
While XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, which is the basis for EAC linking elements is stable, examples of EAC usage are hypothetical and have not been tested in real XLink-based applications. Those wishing to use XLink are encouraged to consult the specification available online at
See related linking elements <extptr>, <extptrloc>, <extref>, <extrefloc>, <linkgrp>, <ptrgrp>, <ptrloc>, <ref>, and <refloc>.
May contain: EMPTY
May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, bibref, container, descnote, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, head01, head02, head03, item, langmaterial, maindesc, materialspec, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
Attributes: |
actuate: | #IMPLIED, onload, onrequest, actuateother, actuatenone |
arcrole: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
href: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
linktype: | #FIXED, simple, simple |
role: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
show: | #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed, showother, shownone |
targetin: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
title: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Within <imprint>, <publisher> is used for the name of the publisher or distributor of the described object.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: imprint
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A linking element that uses attributes to provide information that can be used in rendering to enable navigating from one place in an EAC instance to another place in the same EAC instance. Unlike <ptr>, <ref> may contain text or elements to describe or represent the referenced object.
Do not confuse with <extref> which is used to connect the EAC instance to an external electronic object, which is not part of the described materials.
Either of two attributes may be used to provide addressing information to be used in enabling navigation: HREF or TARGETIN. Of the two, TARGETIN is the most stable and reliable method, as it employs dedicated XML features.
See related linking elements <extptr>, <extptrloc>, <extref>, <extrefloc>, <linkgrp>, <ptr>, <ptrgrp>, <ptrloc>, and <refloc>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, num, persname, place, ptr, subject, table, title
May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, bibref, container, descnote, dimensions, entry, event, extent, item, langmaterial, materialspec, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
Attributes: |
actuate: | #IMPLIED, onload, onrequest, actuateother, actuatenone |
arcrole: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
href: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
linktype: | #FIXED, simple, simple |
role: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
show: | #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed, showother, shownone |
targetin: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
title: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Within <archref> or <archunit>, <repository> contains the name or names of the institution or agency responsible for providing intellectual access to related archival materials described in an archival reference to an EAD instance.
While <repository> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
While the repository providing intellectual access typically has physical custody over the materials, this is not always the case.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, corpname, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, name, note, ptr, ref, subarea, title
May occur within: archref, archunit
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
<resourcerel> describes a relation between the described entity and a resource.
Within <resourcerel>, three elements are available for describing the related resources, depending upon the nature of the resource: archival records are described in <archunit>; bibliographic items in <bibunit>, and museum objects or collections in <musunit>.
The RELTYPE attribute value provides a general classification of the
nature of the relation. The available values are:
origination: | the described entity is the creator of the resource or record |
destruction: | the describe entity destroyed the resource or record based on an appraisal decision |
control: | referenced resource is controlled in some way by the described entity |
causa: | related resource is or describes the mandate or charge for the described entity |
subject: | related resource describes or is about the related entity |
other: | other relation |
If the resource is electronically available, the SYSTEM and SYSKEY attributes may be used to provide information for accessing the resource.
May contain: archunit, bibunit, date, descnote, descnotes, musunit, place, source
May occur within: resourcerels
Attributes: |
countrycode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
ownercode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
reltype: | #IMPLIED, origination, destruction, control, causa, subject, other |
rule: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
syskey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
system: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
An element used for grouping one or more <resourcerel> elements with an optional <head>.
May contain: descnote, descnotes, head, resourcerel, sourceref, sourcerefs
May occur within: condesc, condescgrp
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
<row> is a table element that contains one or more <entry>s (or cells).
The ROWSEP attribute may be used to specify that a horizontal rule is to be display in the render of the table. The VALIGN attribute may be used to specify the vertical alignment of the text.
See also related elements <table>, <tbody>, <tgroup>, and <thead>.
May contain: entry
May occur within: tbody, thead
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
rowsep: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
valign: | #IMPLIED, top, middle, bottom |
Within <ruledecl> in <eacheader>, <rule> is used to identify the descriptive content standard used in the creation of the EAC instance. When more than one content standard is used, <rule> should be repeated for each.
The ID attribute is required in order that RULE attributes used on <corphead>, <eacrel>, <famhead>, <funactrel>, <pershead>, or <resourcerel> may reference the appropriate standard by means of the ID value. Such referencing is only necessary when more than one standard is used in creating the EAC instance.
When the content rules are Internet accessible, it is recommended that addressing data be recored in the SYSTEM attribute.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: ruledecl
Attributes: |
countrycode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
ownercode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
system: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
Within the <eacheader>, <ruledecl> contains one or more <rule> elements identifying the descriptive content standard or standards used in creating the EAC instance.
May contain: rule
May occur within: eacheader
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
Within <character> or <persdesc>, the sex of the person described in the EAC instance.
Use either of the fixed attribute values of type m (male), f (female) or u (unknown).
May contain: date, descnote, place, sourceref, value
May occur within: character, persdesc
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #REQUIRED, m, f, u |
A subelement of <sourcedecl> within <eacheader> for specifying the source for evidence used in describing the entity.
May contain: #pcdata, bibseries, descnote, edition, imprint, name, sourceinfo, title
May occur within: eacrel, funactrel, resourcerel, sourcedecl
Attributes: |
countrycode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
ownercode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
syskey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
system: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
A container element for specification of sources used.
May contain: source
May occur within: eacheader
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
References: |
ISAAR(CPF)2: | 5.4.8 Notes |
A transcription or summary of the source information used for the headings or the description.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title
May occur within: source, sourceref
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A reference to the resource providing evidence for the heading or descriptive element container <sourceref>.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb, sourceinfo
May occur within: corpgrp, corphead, corptype, descentry, eacrels, existdesc, famgrp, famhead, funactrels, identity, legalstatus, location, persgrp, pershead, resourcerels, sex, sourcerefs
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
sourceref: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
A container element for grouping two or more <sourceref> elements with an optional <head>.
May occur within: corpgrp, corphead, eacrels, famgrp, famhead, funactrels, identity, persgrp, pershead, resourcerels
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A name or phrase that indicates a secondary or subsidiary administrative level within a repository. This information may be included as plain text within the <repository> element, or it may be encoded within <repository> as a separately tagged <subarea> element. The latter approach facilitates filtering by administrative division, department, or specialty.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: repository
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
A term that identifies a topic associated with or covered by the described materials in an EAD instance. Personal, corporate, and geographic names behaving as subjects are tagged as <persname>, <corpname>, and <geogname>, respectively. For those elements, the ROLE attribute can be set to "subject" when it is necessary to specify the relationship of the name to the materials being described.
All subjects mentioned in a finding aid do not have to be tagged. One option is to tag those subjects for which access other than basic, undifferentiated keyword retrieval is desired. Use of controlled vocabulary forms is recommended to facilitate access to the subjects within and across finding aid systems. The <subject> element may be used in text elements such as <p>. To indicate a subject with major representation in the materials being described, nest <subject> within the <controlaccess> element.
Use the SOURCE attribute to specify the vocabulary from which the term has been taken. The NORMAL attribute can be used to provide the authority form of a term that has been encoded with <subject> in narrative text, e.g., within a paragraph. The RULES attribute can be used to specify the descriptive rules followed when formulating the term. The AUTHFILENUMBER attribute can be used to identify a link to an authority file record that has more information about the subject or cross references for alternative forms of a subject term.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, ignore, lb, part
May occur within: descnote, entry, event, extref, item, note, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
valueauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
valuekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A container element for formatting information in a tabular format with row and column display.
The application of the <table> element is based on the XML Exchange Table Model, an XML expression of the Exchange subset of the full CALS table model DTD. This model is promulgated by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) to promote interoperability among vendor products.
May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, descnote, env, event, extref, funactdesc, item, locations, note, ocd, p, ref, sourceinfo
Attributes: |
colsep: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
frame: | #IMPLIED, top, bottom, topbot, all, sides, none |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
pgwide: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
rowsep: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
A formatting element that contains one or more <row> elements, which in turn contain <entry> elements in a <table>. The <tbody> element identifies the body of the information in a <table>, as distinct from the column headings (Table Head <thead>).
See also related elements <entry>, <row>, <table>, <tgroup>, and <thead>.
May contain: row
May occur within: tgroup
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
valign: | #IMPLIED, top, middle, bottom |
A formatting element that bundles <table> subelements: <colspec>, <thead>, and <tbody>. Tables are comprised of one or more <tgroup>s, depending on the number of times the column specifications change. The <tgroup> element provides a subgrouping of rows within a table that all use the same column specifications.
Three attributes are used together to force horizontal alignment on a specific character, such as a decimal point. The ALIGN attribute must be set to "char" (align="char"). The CHAR attribute should be set to the specific character on which the text will align (for example the decimal point, char="."). The CHAROFF attribute controls the position of the alignment by naming the percentage of the current column width that is to the left of the alignment character (for example, charoff="30"). The required COLS attribute specifies the number of columns in the table.
By convention, any rule specified in COLSEP is printed or displayed to the right of the column. External rules are specified with the FRAME attribute of <table>; horizontal rules are specified with the <table> or <tgroup> ROWSEP attribute.
By convention, any rule specified in ROWSEP prints or displays below the row. Vertical rules are specified by a COLSEP attribute; external rules are specified by the FRAME attribute of the <table> element.
See also related elements <colspec>, <table>, <tbody>, <thead>.
May contain: colspec, tbody, thead
May occur within: table
Attributes: |
align: | #IMPLIED, left, right, center, justify, char |
colsep: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
rowsep: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
A formatting element that contains the heading information in a <table>, usually column heads, that appears at the top of the table and may appear again at the top of any physical break in rows in the body. The <thead> element is used inside an ordinary structural <table> and to provide column headings for Components <c> or the Description of Subordinate Components <dsc>.
See related elements <table> and <tgroup> for general table information.
May contain: row
May occur within: tgroup
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
valign: | #IMPLIED, top, middle, bottom |
The formal name of a work, such as a monograph, serial, or painting, listed in a finding aid. Subtitles of such works are not separately encoded but may instead be listed as part of the <title>element.
Do not confuse with <unittitle>, which is used to encode the name of the described materials in an EAD instance, such as the title of a collection, record group, fonds, series, file, or item. <unittitle> is reflected in <archref> or <archunit> in EAC. Do not confuse with the TITLE attribute which is found in several linking elements. The <title> element may be used inside of <unittitle>, and it is possible that a <unittitle> may contain no text other than that which is further specified by the <title> element. (See example below.)
The RULES attribute can be used to specify the descriptive rules followed when forming the title, such as AACR2R. The ENTITYREF or HREF attributes may be used to name either the entity or pointer when linking to a machine-readable version of the cited <title>. The RENDER attribute permits specification of how the content of a particular <title> element should be displayed or printed, e.g., bold, italics, quoted, etc.
While XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, which is the basis for EAC linking elements is stable, examples of EAC usage are hypothetical and have not been tested in real XLink-based applications. Those wishing to use XLink are encouraged to consult the specification available online at
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, date, emph, expan, lb, num
May occur within: abstract, archref, bibref, bibseries, bibunit, container, descnote, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, item, langmaterial, materialspec, musunit, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, source, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
Attributes: |
actuate: | #IMPLIED, onload, onrequest, actuateother, actuatenone |
arcrole: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
href: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
linktype: | #FIXED, simple, simple |
render: | #IMPLIED, bold, italic, bolditalic, boldunderline, boldsmcaps, boldquoted, nonproport, altrender, quoted, smcaps, sub, super, underline |
role: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
show: | #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed, showother, shownone |
targetout: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
title: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Within <archref> or <archunit>, the creation year, month, or day of the described materials. The <unitdate> may be in the form of text or numbers, and may consist of a single date or range of dates. As an important subelement of the Descriptive Identification <did> in EAD, the <unitdate> is used to tag only the creation and other relevant dates of the materials described in the encoded finding aid. Do not confuse it with the <date> element, which is used to tag all other dates.
A standard numeric form of the date (YYYYMMDD, etc.) can be specified with the NORMAL attribute to facilitate machine comparison of dates for search purposes. The TYPE attribute may be used to indicate whether the <unitdate> represents inclusive dates or bulk (predominant) dates. The CERTAINTY attribute may be applied to indicate if the date has been supplied or estimated by the archivist. The DATECHAR attribute can be used to supply a term characterizing the nature of the dates, such as creation or accumulation. The CALENDAR attribute, which has a default value of "gregorian," specifies the calendar from which the date stems. The value "ce" (common or Christian era) is the default for the ERA attribute.
The <unitdate> may be nested within the <unittitle> or used independently of that element.
While <unitdate> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
This element is comparable to ISAD(G) element 3.1.3.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: archref, archunit, unittitle
Attributes: |
calendar: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
datechar: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
era: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
form: | #IMPLIED, single, closedspan, openspan |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
normal: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
scope: | #IMPLIED, begin, end, active, begin-end |
type: | #IMPLIED, bulk, inclusive, single |
Within <archref> or <archunit>, any alpha-numeric text string that serves as a unique reference point or control number for the described material, such as a lot number, an accession number, a classification number, or an entry number in a bibliography or catalog. An important subelement of the Descriptive Identification <did> in EAD, the <unitid> is primarily a logical designation, which sometimes secondarily provides location information, as in the case of a classification number. Use other EAD <did> subelements, such as <physloc> and <container>, to designate specifically the physical location of the described materials.
Although not required, the COUNTRYCODE and OWNERCODE attributes should be used in <unitid> at the <archdesc><did> level to comply with ISAD(G) element 3.1.1. OWNERCODE specifies the ISO 15511 code for the institution that has custody of the materials described, while COUNTRYCODE provides the ISO 3166-1 code for the country in which that institution is located. IDENTIFIER should contain a machine-readable unique identifier, containing a value similar to the text in the <unitid> element. The TYPE attribute may be used to indicate the system from which the <unitid> was derived, e.g., accessioning system, record group classification scheme, records retention scheduling system, etc.
While <unitid> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, ptr, ref, title
May occur within: archref, archunit
Attributes: |
countrycode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
ownercode: | #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN |
syskey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
system: | #IMPLIED, ENTITY |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Within <archref> or <archunit>, the name, either formal or supplied, of the described materials. May consist of a word, phrase, character, or group of characters. As an important subelement of the Descriptive Identification <did> in EAD, the <unittitle> encodes the name of the described materials at both the highest unit or <archdesc> level (e.g., collection, record group, or fonds) and at all the subordinate Component <c> levels (e.g., subseries, files, items, or other intervening stages within a hierarchical description).
Do not confuse <unittitle> with Title <title>, a more general element used to encode the formal names of works such as monographs, serials, paintings, etc. Also do not confuse with Title Proper of the Finding Aid <titleproper>, used to designate the name of a finding aid, or a finding aid series encoded in EAD.
While <unittitle> may be originally composed in the EAC instance, it is generally derived, manually or programmatically, from an EAD instance describing the related archival materials.
The <unittitle> element is comparable to ISAD(G) element 3.1.2.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, bibseries, corpname, date, edition, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, imprint, lb, note, num, persname, ptr, ref, subject, title, unitdate
May occur within: archref, archunit
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
label: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
The date or dates when the associated name was used by or for the entity.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, altdate, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: corphead, famhead, pershead
Attributes: |
calendar: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
era: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
form: | #IMPLIED, single, closedspan, openspan |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
normal: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
scope: | #IMPLIED, begin, end, active, begin-end |
type: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
typeauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
typekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
A generic element for any descriptive term entered in accordance with local descriptive rules. The local authority—thesaurus or local controlled vocabulary—should be declared in the <auth> element of the header, and referred to here in the attribute VALUEAUTH. The unique identifier of the value from the authority may be entered in the VALUEKEY attribute.
May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb
May occur within: corptype, descentry, legalstatus, sex
Attributes: |
id: | #IMPLIED, ID |
valueauth: | #IMPLIED, IDREF |
valuekey: | #IMPLIED, CDATA |
Arranged alphabetically.
An abbreviation for a word or phrase that is expressed in an expanded form in the text; used for searching and indexing purposes. Available only in the <expan> element.
Used on: expan
A control that defines whether a link occurs automatically or must be
requested by the user. It is used in conjunction with the SHOW attribute to
determine link behavior. Values are:
onload: | element is displayed automatically. |
onrequest: | element is displayed if user requests. |
actuateother: | some other action occurs with respect to the link. |
actuatenone: | no action occurs with respect to the link. |
Used on: archref, bibref, didentifier, extptr, extref, ptr, ref, title
Horizontal position of the text within a column. Available in
<colspec> and <entry>. Values are:
left: | flush left |
right: | flush right |
center: | centered in the column |
justify: | flush both left and right |
char: | alignment on a single character such as a decimal, as positioned by CHAROFF |
Used on: colspec, entry, tgroup
URI preference that identifies a resource that describes some property of an arc-type or simple-type linking element.
Used on: archref, bibref, didentifier, extptr, extref, ptr, ref, title
System of reckoning time, such as the Gregorian calendar or Julian calendar. Available in <existdate>, <date> and <usedate>.
Used on: date, existdate, maindate, unitedate, usedate
Used for horizontal alignment of a single character, such as decimal alignment. This attribute names the character on which the text will be aligned, for example a decimal point, an asterisk, or an em-dash. Available in <colspec> and< entry>.
Character offset, used with horizontal character alignment, such as decimal alignment. When the ALIGN attribute value is "char," this is the percentage of the current column width to the left edge of the alignment character. Value is a number or starts with a number. Available in <colspec> and <entry>.
Name of a column in which an entry appears. Value is one "word" made up of letters and numbers with no spaces inside it. Available in <colspec> and <entry>.
The number of the column, counting from 1 at the left of the table. Value is a number. Available in <colspec>.
Used on: colspec
If the columns in the table are to be separated by vertical rules,
possible COLSEP values are:
1: | display a rule to the right of the column. |
0: | no rule is displayed. |
Used on: colspec, entry, table, tgroup
Width of the column measured in fixed units or relative proportions. Fixed measure is in the form "number followed by unit," where unit is "pt" for point, "cm" for centimeters, "in" for inches, etc. (i.e., "2in" for 2 inches). Proportional measure is in the form "number followed by asterisk" (i.e., "5*" for five times the proportion). All integers are positive. Use values that are appropriate to the software that governs the display of the resulting table such as a web browser or XSL format objects processor. Available in <colspec>.
Used on: colspec
For ordered lists, i.e., those with a TYPE attribute of "ordered," and
optionally with a NUMERATION attribute, the CONTINUATION attribute specifies
whether the list numeration is to continue with the numeration of the preceding
list or start over. If this attribute is not present, starting over is implied.
Values are:
• | continues |
• | starts |
Used on: list
A unique code for the country in which the materials being described are held. Codes are to be taken from ISO 3166-1 Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries, column A2 as specified in COUNTRYENCODING. Available in <eacid> and <unitid>.
Used on: auth, eacid, eacrel, funactrel, resourcerel, rule, source, unitid
The authoritative source or rules for values supplied in the COUNTRYCODE attribute in <eadid> and <unitid>. Available only in <eacheader>, the COUNTRYENCODING attribute should be set to "iso3166-1."
Used on: eacheader
Term characterizing the nature of dates, such as dates of creation, accumulation, or modification.
Used on: unitdate
The authoritative source or rules for values provided in the NORMAL attribute in <date>, <existdate>, <unitdate>, and <usedate>. The DATEENCODING attribute should be set to "iso8601."
Used on: eacheader
An indication whether the record consists of minimal, partial or full level of detail in accordance with the descriptive content standard or standards applied.
Used on: eacheader
A field or element in another descriptive encoding system to which an EAC element is comparable.
Used on: abstract, address, addressline, altdate, archref, archunit, assetstruct, auth, authdecl, bibref, bibseries, bibunit, bioghist, causa, character, condesc, condescgrp, container, corpdesc, corpgrp, corphead, corpname, corptype, date, desc, descentry, descnote, descnotes, didentifier, dimensions, eac, eacgrp, eacheader, eacid, eacrel, eacrels, edition, env, existdate, existdesc, extent, extptr, extref, famdesc, famgrp, famhead, famname, funact, funactdesc, funactrel, funactrels, genreform, identity, ignore, imprint, language, languagedecl, legalid, legalstatus, location, locations, maindate, maindesc, mainevent, mainhist, musunit, name, nameadd, nameadds, num, ocd, origination, part, persdesc, persgrp, pershead, persname, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, ptr, publisher, ref, repository, resourcerel, resourcerels, rule, ruledecl, sex, source, sourcedecl, sourceinfo, sourceref, sourcerefs, subarea, subject, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value
A descriptive encoding system, such as MARC, or any local authority file, to which certain EAC elements can be mapped using the attribute EA
Used on: eacheader
Period during which years are numbered and dates reckoned, such as A.D. or C.E.
Used on: date, existdate, unitdate, usedate
The full form of an abbreviation or acronym in an element's text; used for indexing and searching purposes. Available only in the <abbr> element.
Used on: abbr
An attribute for date elements designating whether it contains a single date, closed span dates, or an open span date.
Used on: date, existdate, unitdate, usedate
A specification of the rules surrounding a table when that table is printed
or displayed. The values of the frame attribute indicate the position of the
external rules:
top: | a horizontal rule below the title. |
sides: | left and right vertical rules. |
topbot: | horizontal rules top and bottom. |
bottom: | horizontal rule after the last row |
all: | table is printed in a box. |
none: | no rules surround the table. |
Used on: table
The locator for a remote resource in a simple or extended link. An HREF takes the form of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). If no URI is specified, the locator is assumed to be within the document that contains the linking element.
Used on: archref, bibref, didentifier, extptr, extref, ptr, ref, title
An identifier used to name the element so that it can be referred to, or referenced from, somewhere else. Each ID within a document must have a unique value. The ID attribute regularizes the naming of the element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources.
Used on: abbr, abstract, address, addressline, altdate, archref, archunit, assetstruct, auth, authdecl, bibref, bibseries, bibunit, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, chronhead, chronitem, chronlist, condesc, condescgrp, container, corpdesc, corpgrp, corphead, corpname, corptype, date, desc, descentry, descnote, descnotes, didentifier, dimensions, eac, eacgrp, eacheader, eacid, eacrel, eacrels, edition, emph, entry, env, event, eventgrp, existdate, existdesc, expan, extent, famdesc, famgrp, famhead, famname, funact, funactdesc, funactrel, funactrels, genreform, head, head01, head02, head03, identity, ignore, imprint, item, items, language, languagedecl, legalid, legalstatus, list, listhead, location, locations, maindate, maindesc, mainevent, mainhist, musunit, name, nameadd, nameadds, note, num, ocd, origination, p, part, persdesc, persgrp, pershead, persname, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, publisher, repository, resourcerel, resourcerels, row, rule, ruledecl, sex, source, sourcedecl, sourceinfo, sourceref, sourcerefs, subarea, subject, table, tbody, tgroup, thead, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value
A display label for an element can be supplied using this attribute when a meaningful label cannot be derived by the style sheet from the element name or when a heading element <head> is not available. This attribute is available in all <archref> and <archunit> subelements that correspond to the EAD <did> element.
Used on: abstract, container, dimensions, extent, langmaterial, materialspec, origination, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, repository, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
Language encoding for EAD instances subscribes to ISO 639-2b Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages, so the LANGENCODING attribute value in <eadheader> should be "iso639-2b." The codes themselves are specified in the LANGUAGECODE attribute in <abstract> or <language>, as appropriate.
Used on: eacheader
The three-letter code for the language in which an abstract is written <abstract>, for the language of the descriptive content of the authority record in <lanugage>. The codes should be taken from ISO639-2b, as specified in the LANGENCODING attribute in <eacheader>.
Used on: corphead, famhead, language, nameadds, pershead
A fixed value "simple" that identifies the element as XLINK-compatible.
Used on: archref, bibref, didentifier, extptr, extref, ptr, ref, title
A required specification on the maintenance of the EAC instance in terms of create, update, delete, import.
Used on: mainevent
For lists with a TYPE attribute value "marked," the MARK attribute may be used to provide a character(s) or character entity(ies) to mark each list entry. For example, a bulleted list: <list type="marked" mark="•">.
Used on: list
Number of additional rows in a vertical straddle. Value is a number; default value is "0" to indicate one row only, no vertical span. Available in <entry> only.
Used on: entry
Name of the rightmost column of a span. The value must be a column name, as defined by the COLNAME attribute on a Column Specification <colspec> element. Available in <entry> only.
Used on: entry
Name of leftmost column of a span. The value must be a column name, as defined by the COLNAME attribute on a Column Specification <colspec> element. The extent of a horizontal span is determined by naming the first column (namest) and the last column (nameend) in the span. Available in <entry> only.
Used on: entry
A consistent form, from a controlled vocabulary list or a standard, to facilitate retrieval and data exchange. In <date> and <existdate>, the NORMAL attribute follows ISO 8601 Representation of Dates and Times, as specified in the DATEENCODING attribute in <eacheader>.
Used on: date, existdate, maindate, place, unitdate, usedate
For lists with a TYPE attribute of "ordered," the NUMERATION attribute
specifies the type of numeration. Values are:
• | arabic |
• | upperalpha |
• | loweralpha |
• | upperroman |
• | lowerroman |
Used on: list
A unique code for the owner of the system referred to in the context. The unique code should follow the standard specified in OWNERENCODING in the <eacheader>.
Used on: auth, eacid, eacrel, funactrel, resourcerel, rule, source, unitid
A designation of the encoding used for owners of systems and repositories. Recommended is ISO 15511--International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations.
Used on: eacheader
A specification on whether a table runs the width of the page or the
width of the text column? Values are:
1: | as wide as the page. |
0: | fills the text column only. |
Used on: table
A specification on whether the element <place> refers to a geographic name (geog) or a jurisdictional area (juris).
Used on: place
The nature of relationship of the related entity or concept to the entity being described. <eacrel> has closed list and the other permit character data (CDATA).
Used on: eacrel, funactrel, resourcerel
The formatting of the content of an element is controlled for display
and print purposes. Available in <emph>, and <title>. Values are:
• | altrender |
• | bold |
• | doublequote |
• | bolddoublequote |
• | bolditalic |
• | bodlsinglequote |
• | boldsmcaps |
• | boldunderline |
• | italic |
• | nonproport |
• | singlequote |
• | smcaps |
• | sub |
• | super |
• | underline |
A contextual role or relationship for the person, family, corporate body, or geographic location within <persname>, <famname>, <corpname>, <geogname>, and <name> elements. In linking elements such as <ptr>, information that explains to application software the part that a remote resource plays in a link.
Used on: archref, bibref, didentifier, extptr, extref, ptr, ref, title
If the rows in a table are to be separated by horizontal rules,
possible rowsep values are:
1: | display a rule below the row. |
0: | no rule is displayed. |
Used on: colspec, entry, row, table, tgroup
Name of the descriptive rules or conventions that govern the formulation of the content of the element.
Used on: corphead, eacrel, famhead, funactrel, pershead, resourcerel
An indication of the chronological range of a date. Single dates may be either "begin," "end," or "active," where as a range of dates may be "active" or "begin-end."
Used on: date, existdate, unitdate, usedate
The three-letter code for the writing script used with a given language. The code should be taken from ISO 15924 -- Code for the Representation of Names of Scripts. Availabe in <language>.
Used on: corphead, famhead, language, nameadds, pershead
The authoritative source or rules for values supplied in the SCRIPTCODE attribute in <corpname>, <famhead>, <language>, <nameadds>, and <pershead>. Available only in <eacheader>, the SCRIPTENCODING attribute should be set to "iso15924."
Used on: eacheader
A control that defines whether a remote resource that is the target of
a link appears at the point of the link, replaces the existing link, or appears
in a new window. It is used in conjunction with the ACTUATE attribute to
determine link behavior. Values are:
embed: | the target resource displays at the point of the link. |
new: | the target resources appears in a new window. |
replace: | the target resource replaces the local resource that initiated the link. |
showother: | some other action takes place with respect to the target resource. |
shownone: | no target resource displays. |
Used on: archref, bibref, didentifier, extptr, extref, ptr, ref, title
A reference to the ID of a <source> declared in <sourcedecl>.
Used on: sourceref
The editorial status of the EAC instance. To control to publish or not to publish, and in the case of delete, to maintain it as a record of a now obsolete instance to assure referential integrity and accountability.
Used on: eacheader
The unique machine readable identifier of a record or a file within the system referred to in the SYSTEM attribute.
Used on: eacid, eacrel, funactrel, resourcerel, source, unitid
The value of SYSTEM must by an entity declared in the head of the EAC instance containing the path to the system or to a document describing how to access it.
Used on: auth, eacid, eacrel, funactrel, resourcerel, rule, source, unitid
A pointer to the ID of another element.
The name of a nonparsed entity declared in the declaration subset of the document that points to a machine-readable version of the cited reference.
Used on: archref, bibref, didentifier, extptr, extref, title
Information that serves as a viewable caption which explains to users the part that a resource plays in a link.
Used on: archref, bibref, didentifier, extptr, extref, ptr, ref, title
The TYPE attribute is available for a number of elements; its characteristics vary depending on the element to which it applies. Some instances of TYPE have closed lists (e.g. <eac>, <eacgrp>, <sex>), but most permit character data (CDATA) (e.g. <abstract> and <container>).
On some elements, TYPE is made available with two other attributes, TYPEAUTH and TYPEKEY. This references an authoritative list from which the TYPE value is derived. The intension is to provide a means to control semantic extensions of EAC-specific descriptive elements. Elements for which this option is available include <corphead>, <corptype> , <date>, <descentry>, <descnote>, <eacheader>, <eacrel>, <existdate>, <existdesc>, <famhead>, <funact>, <funactrel>, <genreform>, <legalid>, <legalstatus>, <location>, <name>, <nameadd>, <ocd>, <part>, <pershead>, <place>, <resourcerel>, <subject>, and <usedate>.
See individual element descriptions for specific uses for this attribute.
Used on: abstract, addressline, auth, container, corphead, corptype, date, descentry, descnote, dimensions, eac, eacgrp, eacheader, eacrel, existdate, existdesc, extent, famhead, funact, funactrel, genreform, ignore, legalid, legalstatus, list, location, materialspec, name, nameadd, note, num, ocd, part, pershead, physfacet, physloc, place, resourcerel, sex, subject, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate
A reference to the controlled vocabulary applied for specifying the TYPE of the element.
Used on: corphead, corptype, date, descentry, descnote, eacheader, eacrel, existdate, existdesc, famhead, funact, funactrel, genreform, legalid, legalstatus, location, name, nameadd, ocd, part, pershead, place, resourcerel, subject, usedate
An identifier or term in the controlled vocabulary referenced in TYPEAUTH.
Used on: corphead, corptype, date, descentry, descnote, eacheader, eacrel, existdate, existdesc, famhead, funact, funactrel, genreform, legalid, legalstatus, location, name, nameadd, ocd, part, pershead, place, resourcerel, subject, usedate
Any unit of measurement may be expressed in <dimensions>, <extent>, and <physfacet>.
Used on: dimensions, extent, physfacet
Vertical positioning of the text within a table cell. Values are:
• | top |
• | middle |
• | bottom |
Used on: entry, row, tbody, thead
A reference to the controlled vocabulary or thesaurus applied in the context The value must by an entity declared in the head of the EAC instance containing the path to the system or to a file with information on how to access it.
Used on: funact, genreform, legalid, name, place, subject, value
The unique machine readable identifier of a term in the thesaurus referred to in the VALUEAUTH attribute.
Used on: funact, genreform, legalid, name, place, subject, value